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(19 : O SERPENT HEART. . .

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WHEN JULIET FIRST RECEIVED A dinner invitation from one of the most feared wizards of her time, she was almost grateful for how strict Hogwarts was. Unless the circumstances were exceptional, it was next to impossible to be excused from school grounds during term time. That was why Juliet was so horrified when Dumbledore offered the use of his private Floo to her and Regulus. Whilst the man claimed he possessed no omniscient powers, Juliet thought otherwise. And if she was correct, then her headmaster was pushing a seventeen year old girl into the heart of the snake pit.

Something about the twinkle in his eyes as he requested Juliet passed on his condolences made her think he knew that the two Slytherins weren't actually attending the wake of some distant pureblood relative. If anything, the redhead felt like she was attending her own funeral.

"Ah," a high, unfeeling voice hissed when he saw who stepped out of the fireplace, "I see my most honoured guests have arrived. Regulus, we meet again." As Regulus bowed his head, the host pressed his cold lips against Juliet's knuckles, causing her to shiver. "And Juliet Fawley, I believe I have yet to make your acquaintance."

"It is a pleasure to finally meet you," she paused, daring to make direct eye contact, "my lord."

Lord Voldemort's lips twisted at her bravado. "Come, follow me into the dining room as we have much to discuss."

Under the guise of indifference, the redhead trailed after the man, focusing on his black robes as they billowed behind him. It was a short walk to the dining room where there was an oak table — one that seemed impossibly long, at least ten feet — laid out with brass candelabras. A crystal chandelier hung above, providing a feeble amount of light. Upon arrival, Voldemort seated himself at the head and Regulus pulled out a chair for Juliet towards the middle, then took his own place opposite her. The sheer size of the table was a smell mercy as it meant that Juliet wasn't in close proximity with the snake-like man.

As someone who had never seen him before, Juliet was chilled to the bone by how inhuman he looked. He had chalk-white skin that was waxy and smooth, perpetually bloodshot eyes that were slitted like a serpent's and pale blue fingernails that served as claws instead of hands. It was a monstrous sight to behold and the more she stared, the more distorted he became. His nose was almost collapsing in on itself and his thin lips seemed to fade into his face.

      "Welcome, my friends," he began, watching as a rather sickly house elf served a tray of champagne. "First of all, I would like us to toast to your most beneficial union. Your performance thus far has been adequate and it is only right that I recognise such an outstanding contribution to my cause. You have both been, and will continue to be, very valuable to my vision. Very valuable, indeed."

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