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✧࿐ ཾ✧

     THE WARNING BELL FOR THE next period pierced the protective bubble that Juliet and James had established over the past month. It was the middle of October and they had spent most of their time snogging behind tapestries, in the kitchens, anywhere that offered them privacy really. Sometimes their hands would roam, other times they would talk about everything and nothing. It was like the two had built their own secret world full of longing stares and hidden notes, but the reality of their situation would always come crashing down. And no 'protego' could protect them from it.

     Jerking their bodies apart, Juliet was breathing heavily. "We have to go."

     "No we don't," said James, throwing out his arms as he regarded the broom closet with mock fascination. "With some drapes and a lick of paint, this place could be real homey. Hell, we could raise our child here."

     "You're being ridiculous," chastised Juliet, hitting him in the chest.

     James leaned closer — so close she could smell the minty toothpaste still on his breath. "Humour me, love."

     Although she rolled her eyes, Juliet played along and began to button up her shirt. "And what's our imaginary child called then?"

     "Elvendork, of course."

     "Well, it is unisex," she teased. "Now come on, where did we put our ties?"

     He grabbed her wrist before she could pick up their ties. "Do you — do you see a future with me?"

The question caught Juliet off guard. Juliet had never considered what would happen to her and James beyond Hogwarts. Producing an heir was part of the pureblood package deal, but she never viewed herself as particularly maternal. Not to mention she was still engaged to Regulus. There were many factors to account for and — once again — James was full steam ahead whilst she was still trying to wrap her head around merely liking someone she shouldn't. All that being said, the idea of a child with James' messy hair and her bright blue eyes felt right somehow.

Images flashed through her head like a slideshow — James teaching their child to ride a broomstick, James sending howlers whenever he was proud instead of mad, James using magic to reenact the stories he told before bed.

"Yeah," she blurted suddenly, "I can see it."

✧࿐ ཾ✧

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