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     THE END OF JULIET'S HOGWARTS experience was fast approaching — as was her day of reckoning. Her fate was sealed and some form of punishment was inevitable. Even if she reached the right decision in the end, it wouldn't matter because she was no innocent in the war. Juliet had wronged both Dumbledore and Lord Voldemort, but it was more the latter she was worried about. And that was why she needed a failsafe.

Juliet already had a plan, but the Dark Lord was unpredictable and she wasn't about to underestimate the enemy. Not like he had underestimated her. All of which led her back to the impossible task he had assigned her — creating the Elixir of Life. He didn't think she could do it and that only motivated her more, meaning she had everything to prove but nothing to lose. No matter what she did, he would hate her for deferring sides. Although she had no intentions of becoming a child soldier, she couldn't escape becoming a blood traitor.

For once, instead of slinking through the castle for a late night rendezvous with James, she was out after midnight because she wanted to break into one of the many Alchemy classrooms. It was going rather well until a flash of wand light caught her attention from the end of the corridor.

"Hey! You're not allowed to be out of bed this late," called a strong male voice as he jogged over to the girl.

In annoyance, she pushed the wand light out of her face. "Would you turn that thing down? It's so bright," moaned Juliet. "And you're not telling me that anyone actually takes you of all people seriously when you lecture them for being out of bed?"

     He failed to hide his amusement. "I think that'll be 20 points from Slytherin, Fawley."

     "What?" Juliet yelped. "I'm your girlfriend."

     "Too bad, I want Gryffindor to win the House Cup this year," James retorted, lowering his wand. "And, if anything, I should be the one who's annoyed. I can't believe you're out after curfew, breaking into a classroom, without me."

     The Slytherin raised an eyebrow. "It really isn't that hard. You'd think more of the doors in this place would be charmed against alohomora."

     James stared expectantly at her. "Come on then, what are we doing?"

     "You are going to finish your rounds," she said pointedly before nonverbally unlocking the door. Without hesitation, she entered the classroom and established a makeshift work station. "Unless you know anything about the Philosopher's Stone, you'll only be a distraction. And since I know for a fact you don't even take Alchemy . . . shoo."

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