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(27 : WISELY AND SLOW . . .

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     TWO WEEKS INTO THE TERM, Juliet was on edge after she received an invitation to meet with Dumbledore. The last time she visited his office had resulted in her being engaged to a Death Eater, so she supposed whatever he wanted couldn't be worse than that. Still, she took the long route.

     "Fizzing whiz—" started Juliet, looking at the imposing gargoyle with indifference.

     Before she could finish reciting the password, the gargoyle stepped aside. Four Gryffindors — the usual suspects, of course — ambled out, an excited buzz clouding the group. Although, there was also an underlying sense of apprehension that none of boys were prepared to address.

Finding it strange that the four of them would be leaving Dumbledore's office as she was arriving, Juliet frowned. "Ja–Potter," she caught herself in time, "do I even want to know how you managed to get sent to the Headmaster's Office when it's only the second week back?"

"Hey! Don't give him all the credit," objected Sirius.

Juliet opened her mouth again, but her frown only deepened when she saw three more Gryffindors leaving the office. It was Lily and two girls that were vaguely familiar to Juliet because of the Quidditch Final. Like the boys, there was an uncharacteristic nervous energy to their movements.

The redhead furrowed her brow. "Let me guess, Dumbledore has finally cracked and inducted all of you into his Gryffindor cult because I've had this conspiracy for a while now th—"

Lily stepped forward, flashing her a small smile. "We had a . . . group meeting of sorts."

"Because that doesn't sound suspicious at all," deadpanned Juliet, turning to James for an explanation. When he promptly averted his eyes, Juliet cleared her throat and added, "Well, I have meeting with Dumbledore myself and I wouldn't want to keep him waiting."

Juliet really didn't care if she kept him waiting. However, nobody opposed her departure, so she brushed past the group without another word. James reached out to touch her hand, but she shook him off.

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     "Come in, Miss Fawley."

"Professor," she curtly acknowledged, taking the seat opposite him. "Is it a burning day for Fawkes?"

     Whilst Juliet didn't take Care of Magical Creatures anymore, she had earned an 'Exceed Expectations' on her O.W.L exam and read Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them more than once. Not to mention she was once taught most magical basics by a stern governess. Although her family never cared much for knowledge, they cared for having a well-rounded daughter that would be highly desired and envied. If only they knew that same daughter was now regularly snogging a blood traitor.

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