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(50 : THEN I DEFY . . .

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     A STRANGER STARED BACK AT Juliet in the mirror — her face was gaunt, her cheeks were hollow and her smile was dull. Even her dress didn't look right. It was laced up too tight and she could hardly breathe in the white monstrosity that she would never have chosen for herself. With sleeves that were too long and a skirt that was too full, she felt out of place at her own wedding. The sun bracelet on her wrist was the only thing that reminded her she was more than what was being reflected back, more than a sad girl with a painted face.

Juliet resisted the urge to fiddle with her bracelet — the one Sirius had given her on James' behalf — and she steeled her for what was to come instead. In a matter of minutes, she would be walking down the aisle. A crowd of reporters and respectable purebloods would be watching her with eagle eyes, all none the wiser to the fact the Order of the Phoenix were stationed at the Ministry of Magic to stop Lord Voldemort's coup. What a shame it would be that they came for a wedding and they would instead be witnessing the death of a pureblood, a blood traitor rising in her place.

If all went well, nobody would ever know about Voldemort's attempt to seize power. Juliet had — reluctantly — reached out to Dumbledore, knowing she wouldn't have been able to stop the dark wizard's plans alone. Thus, the Order of the Phoenix would be waiting for Voldemort whilst she was playing the role she was always destined for — the distraction. All eyes would be on the runaway bride. It was like she could see the headline now:


     Rather than dwelling on that, she thought about what was waiting for her beyond the walls of the venue. If everything went to plan, she would hear the bells ring and it would be her cue to escape. The portkey that would take her straight to Potter Manor — straight to James — remained unactivated around her wrist. From there, she would have to keep a low profile until her betrayal was replaced with a new pureblood scandal. At least she would be with James though. She supposed there were silver linings to everything.

     A knock at the door disturbed her manic thoughts. Without an invitation, Walburga Black tore through the door like a whirlwind, excited for her youngest — or if you asked her, only — son to be getting married to such a fine match. Juliet finally turned away from her reflection and stood to greet who was meant to be her mother-in-law.

     "It is time," the older woman announced, arching an eyebrow brow perfectly as she scrutinised the bride. "Are you ready?"

     Juliet nodded because she was ready — ready to defy the Dark Lord.

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