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(48 : AS I REMEMBER. . .

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THE CLASS OF '78 WERE drinking away their youth for the last time. In a matter of weeks, they would be released into a world at war. Until then, the students continued to live in a state of ignorant bliss as they all celebrated the end of their exams in their separate common rooms. All but two students, that was.

"James, slow down. What are we doing?" hissed Juliet, almost stumbling due to the zeal her boyfriend possessed as he dragged her through the corridors. "What if someone notices you're gone? What if they see Lily alone and —"

"Lily," the boy hastily interrupted, "offered to stay in my dorm the entire time because she is certifiably insane and still wants to study — even with our NEWTs completed! Apparently St Mungo's have introduced a fast track programme since the, uh, war is only worsening and she wants to be a healer, so . . ." James trailed off, uncomfortable at the thought of the war before he brightened once more. "Don't worry about her being alone or anything either. Remus is keeping her company since he doesn't cope well with too much noise around the full moon."

In suspicion, Juliet eyed James. "You still haven't told me what this is about."

     James quickly stuck his hand out to stop her when they reached the Room of Requirement. "I realised the other day that it's been more than a year since we first kissed." He feigned nonchalance, pacing until an arched door materialised. "I know I'm late, but I'm hoping to make up for it."

Before Juliet could interrogate him further, James was holding the door open for her.

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The Room of Requirement had been wholly transformed and looked nothing like she had ever seen it. A large screen rested on the far wall and a cream blanket was laid out in the middle of the room, surrounded by an assortment of beanbags and pillows. Tubs of chocolate and raspberry flavoured ice cream, bowls of salted popcorn and bottles of butterbeer were laid out on the blanket. Twinkling fairy lights adorned the walls, flashing all the colours of the rainbow every few seconds. Her heart leaped at the sight, her lips curving into a smile.

     "You did all of this for me?" spluttered Juliet, too awestruck to say anything else.

     "Well, Lily helped," he confessed, shrugging. "I wanted to do something special before we graduated, but I didn't know what until she started talking about the cinema one day at breakfast. It's this place muggles go to watch movies, which are kind of like our photographs but with sound. Oh, they last a lot longer too!" James struggled to contain his excitement, months of planning having led to that one date. "It sounded really cool, so I decided to recreate it. . . . with some magical tweaks."

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