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     WHEN THE COUPLE RETURNED FROM their date — hand in hand — there was an uneasiness in the air. It was as silent as a crypt when they entered Potter Manor, which was disconcerting given how loud and lively the residence usually was. This only made James clutch Juliet's hand tighter as he produced his wand before leading her to the parlour.

The tension dissipated when they walked into the parlour and James lowered his wand, relieved. Sirius, Peter and Remus were sat unharmed on the couch. It was a deceptively innocent scene that belonged in a painting — all three boys were quiet, arranged side by side in stiff positions with identical grave expressions. For a moment, Juliet entertained the notion it was a prank, half-expecting them to suddenly drop the solemnity and scream 'gotcha!'

     "Who died?" Juliet forced out a breathy laugh, her shoulders slumping.

     James craned his neck, peeking into the kitchen. "Where's Mum and Dad?"

      "Mia took Dippy shopping," offered Remus. "And your dad, um, got called out by Rufus Scrimgeour a couple of hours ago. It was confidential, we're not sure what for."

"As in Rufus Scrimgeour, Head Auror?" questioned James, miffed. "What would he want with my dad? I mean, he's a retired potioneer. Fat lot of help he'll be where aurors are concerned."

Remus glanced away. "Well, we found something out whilst you were out. You see, we had to take a Floo call and —"

"Mate, your parents are the benefactors behind the Order of the Phoenix," spilled Sirius, impatient. "Dumbledore stuck his head through the Floo and apparently your parents have been part of the Order since its conception. Instead of actively participating with their age and all, they contribute funds, but Dumbledore said —"

     Peter cleared his throat. "Wait, I want to know how Prongs' date went."

     Exasperated, Remus and Sirius groaned, "Peter!"

     "What?" He shrugged, seemingly oblivious. "I was showing an interest in my friend's life instead of being all doom and glo — Godric, did you go on a date with Juliet?" Peter's eyes widened, openly gaping at the couple's locked hands. "But she's — she's a —"

     Juliet narrowed her eyes. "A what, Pettigrew?"

     "A lovely girl, I'm sure," he coughed out. "Why didn't you tell us?"

Nobody answered him. In fact, nobody appeared half as surprised as Peter.

Sirius clapped his hands together and continued, "As I was saying —"

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