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BETWEEN JAMES OPENING THE FRONT door in reindeer slippers and Sirius — in a gesture of uncharacteristic kindness towards the Slytherin — offering to pay the muggle taxi driver, Juliet was overwhelmed. All she wanted to do was get into a hot shower and burn off Lucius Malfoy's touch, scrubbing her bruised skin until it was red raw. Yet, she knew that she owed James an explanation for showing up unannounced. A part of her wondered if his invitation from the Astronomy Tower was insincere and he didn't really want her to spend Christmas with his family.

Speechless, Juliet stared at James. Even if the silencing spell had long worn off, she was struggling to find her voice as she waited for him to say something. Whilst she always thought of James as someone who wore his heart on his sleeve, she couldn't quite pin the expression on his face. It was haunted by a memory — a similar situation having taken place when Sirius Black knocked on his door more than a year prior. 

     "Did you run away?" asked James softly.

     No sound came out when she opened her mouth, only a wince. Luckily, she was saved by the arrival of two elderly people. She assumed they were his parents, he possessed the same hazel eyes as the man and the same sharp cheekbones as the woman. Although, she had never realised exactly how old his parents were. Wrinkles were already lining their features, silver streaked their hair, but the couple still moved with the elegance and grace of purebloods.

     "James," the woman sighed, "I told you Dippy would —" As if noting the state of their guest for the first time, Mrs Potter straightened and sharply asked, "Who's this?"

     The man interjected, "Ah, red hair! Why this must be Lily Evans, Mia. Our boy has finally done it at last."

     "Mum, Dad, this is Julie." Even in her absentminded state, Juliet managed to send a sharp elbow into the bashful Potter's stomach upon hearing the nickname. "—et. Juliet. This is Juliet Fawley."

     "Fawley?" echoed Mr Potter. "As in Arin Fawley? Why that man —"

     His wife silenced him with a swift glare. "I'm so sorry about the mix up, dear," she apologised on her husband's behalf. "James talks about Lily so much and how beautiful she is, so we simply assumed —"

    Juliet weakly replied, "It's fine."

    "I'm Euphemia Potter, but you can call me Mia. This is my husband Fleamont." The couple shared a loving glance before she added meaningfully, "And we don't care who your parents are here."

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