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(33 : FOR STONY LIMITS . . .

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     SEVENTH YEAR WAS FLYING BY and Juliet was struggling to imagine graduating in six months. In six months, her training wheels would be finally taken off and she was expected to enter a war-torn world as the perfect pureblood wife. An eleven year old Juliet would have been content with that — hell, even her sixteen year old self was accepting of it — but she was a totally different person these days. The fact she was currently spending Christmas Break with the Potters was evidence of that.

     Juliet was only five days into her time with the Potters, but she was already feeling lighter. For once, she wasn't concerned with her task or her impending marriage. Instead, she finally had a family that wasn't obsessed with their reputation or self-image. Euphemia never scolded her and Fleamont never raised his voice — she was even able to fall asleep with James on the couch, never once worrying if she would be judged. The elderly couple were generally supportive, even if they expressed worry over whether or not a secret relationship would cause more damage in the long run.

Things would get a little awkward when the Marauders visited though. Neither Remus or Peter understood why Juliet was staying there for a second time. Peter usually avoided her, but she could tell Remus was getting suspicious and she tried not to let his constant staring break her cool, confident exterior. Thankfully, Sirius carried most of their conversations.

    It was one of the days when the boys were visiting and they were all sat in the parlour. Even though there was a steady flow of chatter, the redhead suspected they were filtering themselves for her sake. Both James and Sirius made futile attempts to include her, but she couldn't shake the feeling that she was more of a hindrance than anything. The boys kept making eye contact like they wanted to discuss something in private, something she wasn't allowed to hear. Everything was fine when it was only the three of them — James, Sirius and Juliet — but she couldn't crack Remus or Peter. Not to mention her vision was blinded by blood, fangs and fur whenever she saw Remus.

      "Juliet," Euphemia popped her head in from the kitchen, "I could use some help in here if you're not too busy. Would you mind terribly if I tore you away from the boys for an hour or so?"

Grateful for the excuse to leave, Juliet jumped from her seat. Once she was gone, the boys huddled together and began to whisper. After all, James Potter needed their help planning a date.

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"What are you making?" asked Juliet, grabbing an apron from the side. "I should probably forewarn you that I'm not much of a baker, in case you needed reminding of the gift I gave your son last year."

     "Apple crumble." Euphemia never took her eyes off the scales as she measured out some ingredients. "I thought we could all celebrate our last night together and have a little treat, what with you leaving for the wedding in a few days and Peter not being able to make our usual Boxing Day festivities."

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