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(58 : A GREATER POWER . . .

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PERCHED ON THE KITCHEN COUNTER, Juliet was half-heartedly flicking through the pages of a muggle book when Regulus returned from a Death Eater meeting. Within seconds, she tossed the book to one side and found herself grateful for the boy's company since Sirius was working more than usual with the rise in dangerous activity. In truth, her time in hiding was tedious and she was on the brink of insanity considering the last time she had left the apartment was for James' wedding — or his not-wedding, she supposed.

     Regulus flashed her a sad smile, taking in how utterly normal she looked in spite of her recent heartbreak. No dark circles or tear stains marred her face as she bounded towards him, dressed in a muggle band t-shirt that probably belonged to his older brother. But Regulus knew her better than anyone — he might have been invisible for most his life to her, but she had always been transparent to him. He saw through her picture perfect image. After all, it was Regulus who heard the shattering of glass and frantic 'reparos' when she thought everyone was asleep. Just like it was Regulus who noticed how she pressed her nails into her palm until blood was drawn each time Sirius stopped talking about Lily and James because she entered the room. And it was Regulus who knew exactly how much harder people like Juliet Fawley had to fight to be good.

"You look nervous," she observed evenly. "Bad meeting?"

Indeed, he was twisting his ring around his finger — something she had come to learn was an anxious tick of his. "The Dark Lord wasn't in a particularly good mood."

"Is he ever?" Juliet snorted, unbothered. "What happened now? His nose job fell through?"

     "Juliet, this is serious. Snape overheard part of a prophecy. The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches . . . born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies . . ." Regulus told her, reciting the harrowing prediction that had been whispered through the wizard's inner circle. "Something — someone — is coming and the Dark Lord won't stop until they're dead. You can't breathe a word of this, but I think it's about —"

     "James," she spluttered, concern lacing her voice. "At least his child. Lily's due the end of July."

     Grimacing, Regulus nodded. "There are two possible options for who the prophecy is about, but I'll be honest . . . Evans and Potter are the more likely targets. If I had to guess, he would view the Longbottom couple as less of a threat because they're both of pure blood." He shot his friend a meaningful look, half pleading. "I needed to tell you, to warn you. What the Dark Lord did to you will look kind compared to what he is planning to deal with this new threat. No matter what, I need you to stay away from Potter. I know how you feel about him —"

CHECK YES JULIET ▷ JAMES POTTER [1]Where stories live. Discover now