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(07 : ONE WOULD KILL . . .

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     JAMES POTTER WAS BURSTING WITH excess energy after running his hands through his hair for the umpteenth time that day. He couldn't believe that he finally had a date with Lily Evans — he still had a dozen doves to dispose of because his longtime crush didn't need to be wooed like he thought. A part of James wanted to think his charm had finally worn her down after six years, but he knew it was more likely that she still felt guilty after their argument. You didn't need to be a Ravenclaw to notice that James had shrunk in on himself those past weeks.

Whether it was out of guilt or not, James would absolutely take a pity date. All he needed was an hour or two with her at The Three Broomsticks and then she would see he was so much more than his suave prankster reputation. The boys had all gone ahead with the first carriages for the day — it was the penultimate trip before Christmas break, so almost all of the school were going to finish up their gift shopping — whilst James was waiting for his date in the common room. Of course James hadn't even started his own shopping yet, but that was beside the point.

"Oi, Evans!" James called, immediately regretting it. Somehow, his flirting abilities — or lack thereof in Sirius' opinion — flew out of the window when it came to Lily. "Where are you going?"

With several heavy tomes pressed to her chest and the girl's wand sticking out of her bun, it was apparent that she didn't have time to stop for a chat — much less a date. "The library. Not that it concerns you."

As the redhead tried to rush past him, he was hot on her heels. "B-But it's Hogsmeade weekend," he stammered as his semi-composed state melted away.

"Exactly. The library will be empty and I might actually be able to enjoy Christmas break for once instead of being swamped with revision." Lily refused to turn around to meet his eyes the entire time they spoke. "I already finished my Christmas shopping and Marlene promised to bring me back some taffy from Honeydukes."

His confusion soon evaporated into disbelief. Whilst he had witnessed the extent of the girl's sharp tongue before, he never pinned her as the cruel type. "So, what? You were planning to stand me up? Leave me looking like a fool for all your friends to laugh at when they return?" The Gryffindor choked back a mocking laugh. "To think I actually fancied you. I know some of my pranks are harsh, but this — this is something else, Evans. You set out to humiliate me when all I ever did was lo—like you."

Immediately, she spun around. "You're talking rubbish, Potter. I have no bloody clue what you're on about," she insisted as her face flared firetruck red. "But, for the record, you never liked me. I know you think you did, but you don't even know me. You couldn't tell me my favourite colour, or my mother's name, or anything of substance. All you've ever done is behave like — like an arrogant toe rag that kept pulling on my pigtails because you were so desperate for attention. Please stop deluding yourself already."

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