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1980 BROUGHT PROMISES OF NEW love and new life for some. It was only a couple of weeks after Juliet and James had broken up when Lily announced she was pregnant. Whilst Lily proposed she could co-parent with James, he proposed in a very different fashion that caused Juliet to leave Potter Manor for Sirius' apartment.

     Perhaps what hurt the most was how Juliet was forced to watch from the sidelines as the two teenagers tried to outrun their own deaths, baselessly rushing into lifelong commitments. Even Sirius — as in brash, reckless, seize-the-moment Sirius Black — seemed equally apprehensive about the speed of the couple's relationship. Both Lily and James sought each other out because they wanted the same things, not due to love. But, if they were going to die in the war, at least they would die with their dreams of a white picket fence lifestyle fulfilled.

Lost in thought, Juliet was vacantly staring into her mug of tea when the leather couch suddenly dipped as someone took a seat beside her. Her head abruptly snapped up and she was met with a pair of cautious grey eyes. Under the scrutiny of his stare, she turned her head away.

     "You're not dressed," stated her friend.

     Juliet pursed her lips. "I'm not coming."

     "You can hide under the cloak the entire time. Prongs doesn't even know that I stole it from his room!" Sirius offered, perhaps in a manner that was a little too enthusiastic for his intentions to be entirely innocent. "It's only at Potter Manor, we know you're safe there and . . . I think they would both appreciate it if you were there. You don't need to show your face at all, but you might regret not going a few years down the line when your, uh, wounds aren't as fresh."

     "I'm currently on the run because I'm wanted for murder and you think I should prioritise going to a wedding? Not only a wedding but the wedding of my ex boyfriend and someone I thought was a friend?" Juliet folded her arms over her chest, failing to hide the acid in her tone.

Downplaying the situation, Sirius waved her concerns off. "If we're being technical, everyone thinks you're dead, ergo you're longer wanted. They closed the case —"

     "No," she argued firmly. "I'm not going."

     Footsteps sounded behind her and Regulus appeared in view, coming from his bedroom. His shirt collar popped, his hair pushed back and a tie hanging from his neck. "You're coming. If I'm being forced to make an appearance, you are too."

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