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JULIET WAS STARTING TO THINK that the weight of her secrets would one day crush her. As if she didn't have enough to worry about already — such as her forbidden rendezvous with a blood traitor, her tentative friendship with a proud mudblood and her dwindling faith in the pureblood supremacy — the girl now had to concern herself with protecting Remus Lupin's secret as well. Despite having every intention to take these secrets to the grave, it would've been naive of her to assume that secrets were always given willingly.

     And that was how she ended up sitting cross-legged on Regulus Black's bed with their knees brushing.

     "You need to empty your mind of all thoughts and all emotions," directed Regulus. "Some people think it's about building mental walls, but no wall is impenetrable. Even the strongest of minds would weaken under torture and all it would take for the most skilled of Legilimens is a single crack."

     Swallowing the nervous lump that kept bobbing in her throat, Juliet tried to listen, but everything Regulus said turned into white noise the second it left his lips. Her mind was running wild with the possibilities of what the Dark Lord would do if he found out she was disloyal to his cause. It had been a close call last time and she wasn't even dating James back then. The stakes were higher than before and that was why she was so desperate to learn occlumency.

     Although she couldn't be certain, the girl expected that the Dark Lord would make an appearance at the upcoming wedding. Aside from Lucius being part of his inner circle, Abraxas had been a confidant of Lord Voldemort's long before he rose to power. Knowing she needed to be prepared for another run in with the snake-like man, she confided in Regulus, who was an excellent Occlumens and a passable Legilimens.

     In the past, she thought occlumency would be something she excelled at, but she was doubting it as she struggled to do what Regulus instructed. The thing about Juliet was she had a tendency to do things in extremes. Her relationship with James was a prime example of that. Ever since being involved with him, she was finding it harder and harder to repress her opinions and feelings. He made her feel things she didn't quite understand and it thrilled her. And whilst her emotional development was good in some respects, it greatly hindered her talent at occulmency.

     Sometimes, she missed being an emotionless bitch.

     Regulus observed as she relaxed the tension from her muscles. "Are you ready?"


     "Good. You rarely will be." He raised his wand. "Legilimens."

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