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(39 : BUT TO HIMSELF SO . . .

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IT WAS THE DAY OF the Malfoy wedding and Juliet was standing in front of the fireplace in her formal robes, saying her goodbyes to the family that had housed her for a week. As Mia pulled her into an affectionate embrace, she caught sight of James sulking at the top of the staircase. Before she could catch his attention, the clock chimed twelve, signalling she needed to leave.

"Remember what I said, dear," whispered Euphemia, tucking some stray red hair behind her ear. "You can't expect the stars to align for you, all relationships require work. Now, it's been a pleasure to have you and I hope to see you again soon."

Juliet wondered if the woman would still be so welcoming if she knew why James was upset with her. "You're too good to me."

Mia shook her head. "Or maybe you're simply too hard on yourself."

After a firm pat on the back from Fleamont, Juliet was about to throw the powder into the Floo when Sirius vaulted down the stairs. He was carrying a small box in his hands and shouted for the girl to wait. In confusion, Juliet dropped the powder back into the container on the mantle and raised an eyebrow at the raven-haired boy.

"James wanted me to give you this," he said, offering her the box.

"And why can't James give it me himself?" Juliet challenged, lifting her chin up. Nonetheless, she opened up the little box and swallowed down the confusing bundle of emotions that were bubbling up in her throat upon seeing it was a bracelet. It was simple design — the chain was silver with a singular charm hanging from it, a golden sun.

Sirius wore an apologetic expression. "You already know the answer to that."

Enraged by his cowardice, she slammed the box shut. "I don't want it then."

     "You're acting like a child," complained Sirius. "Look, it was — is — your Christmas gift from him, but it's more than that. The charm is a portkey that'll only be activated when you touch it. We both agreed that if you're going to be around that bastard, Lucius, then there needs to be a way for you to get out there fast." His tone was earnest and near pleading. "No matter what you think of him, he would rather die than see you in that state again. After last time . . ."

"I'll wear it," she agreed quietly. "Tell James I — I really have to go. I'll see you back at Hogwarts."

Without another word, she stepped into the Floo, unable to shake the feeling that the sun charm was mocking her.

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