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     THE NEXT MORNING, JAMES DRAGGED Juliet out of the door before she even had the chance to eat breakfast. Her emerald green scarf was hanging limply in one hand and her other was being held in a death grip by James as pulled her beyond the manor's wards. He moved faster than a golden snitch, emitting nervous energy in anticipation for their date. It was almost adorable. Especially because Juliet suspected the red splotches on his cheeks weren't solely a result of the cold weather.

    "Where are we going?" asked Juliet, a note of wariness in her voice.

Dropping her hand, James took her scarf and wrapped it around her neck with an impish grin. "You'll find out soon," he promised. "Are you warm enough? You'll have to side-along with me and I don't want to have to come back for anything."

Sure enough, the redhead had bundled up in a fur-lined cloak and gloves after waking up to a snow-covered scene outside her bedroom window. However, Juliet couldn't hide her surprise at being told they were going to be outdoors for their date. Whilst she wasn't much of an outgoing person to begin with, the real problem lay in her paranoia. Everyone in the Wizarding World knew she was engaged to Regulus Black, so she couldn't risk causing a scandal by being spotted with James. Or worse, risk word of the date getting back to the Dark Lord.

"I'm fine," she said, knowing that she could always cast the warming charm if needed. "Will you tell me where we're going now?"

He kept his hands resting on her shoulders. "Do you trust me?"

"You know I do."

"Then stop asking questions and grab my arm," James requested, his tone light and mirthful. Nothing could interfere with his good mood — not when the two of them were finally going on a date and acting like a normal couple.

     After a moment of hesitation, she seized his forearm and felt the familiar tug of apparition as the world shifted beneath her feet. One moment the two were on the outskirts of Potter Manor, the next they were stood on top of a small hill. In the dim morning light, Juliet looked ahead and spotted a village lined with cottages and cobblestone paths. The village was blanketed in a sheet of pure white, the golden glow of streetlights making the snow dazzle like crushed diamonds. 

     "It's breathtaking," admitted Juliet, awestruck.

     In fascination, James never glanced away from Juliet, watching as a solitary snowflake fluttered down onto her eyelashes. "Yeah," he softly murmured, "you are."

     Her brow furrowed. "I don't understand though. Where are we?" 

     "Godric's Hollow."

✧࿐ ཾ✧

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