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(09 : DEATH LIES ON HER . . .

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AS A SLYTHERIN, IT WAS a given that Juliet was resourceful. After living amongst snakes for six years, she took pride in who she was and who she wasn't — she was cunning and cutthroat at the best of times, she wasn't a bad person. Had she not been either of those things, perhaps her plan to smuggle at least fifteen school children into Honeydukes under the guise of being part of Salazar's great house would have failed.

Between Juliet and the Hufflepuff she later learned to be called Anna — "Like The Beatles' song? You know, the really sad one?" — they managed to transfigure the hats, scarves and headbands of any student they stumbled across. Most Death Eaters were too absorbed in the fray to take notice of the large group slinking along the shadows, but Juliet knew it would be dangerous to have too big of a group. The pureblood had yet to figure out how they would even get into Honeydukes when a rather imposing masked figure stood guard, their beady eyes scanning the village at all times.

"We need to be fast," murmured Juliet. "Once we're inside, we'll be safe. They've been clearing out all of the buildings, so I doubt they'll think to check again."

Anna frowned. "I suppose we can't all walk up there, even in our Slytherin garb?"

Snorting, Juliet shook her head. "It's always better to overestimate your opponent. As much as we'd like to think You-Know-Who's followers are all brainless sycophants, a lot of them are quite smart. And they're not scared to cast the kind of dark spells that you won't even find in the restricted section at Hogwarts."

"Well, what's the plan? It doesn't seem like you have much of one," a snooty Ravenclaw from the group commented.

"I—I'm thinking!" she snapped, fumbling as she tried to think of way to go unseen. Juliet was used to spending time on her plans, not making one up on a whim. "I know none of you trust me, I'm not stupid, but I'm trying my best to make sure none of you die here."

As if he could hear her outburst, Remus Lupin paused mid-battle and locked eyes with the redhead from where she was crouched in the darkness. The sudden eye contact startled Juliet because the boy couldn't have heard over all the noise. And it definitely wasn't a good sign if he spotted her — Lupin was harmless, but that was a sure sign the group needed to move and fast.

Knowing they were pushed for time, Juliet made a hasty decision and cleared her throat. "I'm going to go over there and distract the guard. On my signal, you're going to run," she explained in a rush. "Hopefully everyone will be too distracted by the battle. Just in case, does anyone know how to cast the disillusionment charm?"

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