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HOGWARTS WAS ALWAYS A HAVEN, so an oddly solemn air settled over the Great Hall as the students realised that war had breached their walls. There was an uneasiness that not even Dumbledore could quell as he made a speech about the murdered Hufflepuff, so he resolved to send all students back to their common room and offered a period of reprieve in the form of an extended Christmas break. The headmaster arranged for the Hogwarts Express to leave the following day — almost a whole week earlier than normal — and encouraged students to return home where possible. Of course some philosophical nonsense was entwined in his speech, but Juliet knew better than to give any weight to his words. Things like friendship and bravery were only good for earning house points, they didn't mean anything in the real world.

     Being brave sent children like Anna to an early grave. Instead of voicing her thoughts though, Juliet pursed her lips and briskly returned to her common room. As a prefect, she was partially responsible for making sure all the Slytherins were safe in the dungeons, but she had other matters to attend to.

Holly — Juliet's roommate — insisted it was hypocritical of the school to have it charmed so boys can't go up to the girls' dorms, but the girls can enter the boys' ones as they wish. Whilst Juliet had agreed at the time, she was suddenly grateful as she stomped up the boys' stairs with ease. The redhead had no reservations about throwing open the fifth years' dorm, an indignant fury knotting itself in her stomach, coiling like the serpent she wore on her robes. Ever since she returned from Hogsmeade, an anger unlike any other had been simmering beneath her skin.

"Hey! I could have been naked," cried out a boy she had never cared to learn the name of.

In the doorway, Juliet crossed her arms. "So? It's not like there's much to see," she said in an offhanded manner. "Now that we established that, get out. I need to speak with my darling fiancé alone."

Regulus was lying on his chest, flicking through an old tome with his wand. Although he feigned nonchalance at Juliet's appearance, his body tensed at the menace in her tone. He didn't understand her anger, but he had been evading her withering stare ever since she returned from Hogsmeade. And maybe he skipped Dumbledore's assembly in an effort to avoid her.

Looking between the couple, Regulus' roommate detected the tension and scurried downstairs without further argument. The second he left, Regulus pushed up on his elbows with a sigh and cast a charm that Juliet was unfamiliar with — muffliato.

At her quirked eyebrow, Regulus explained, "It makes sure we won't be overheard. I have a feeling this conversation will be of a sensitive nature."

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