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THE MARAUDERS WERE THE BANE OF any prefect's existence — especially Juliet Fawley's. Whilst the title provided her parents with something to gloat about, Juliet herself didn't much care for a shiny badge or authority figures in general. However, an obnoxious Ravenclaw by the name of Lori Wyndham found the Slytherin snogging Alexander Nott in a broom closet when she was meant to be patrolling one time. Old Slughorn didn't do much, too prideful of having connections with the Fawleys, but he did threaten her badge if she didn't take the role more seriously. And she really didn't want to hear that lecture from her mother.

It was a Thursday night and she was doing her rounds like a good little student when she heard a sound that made her ears bleed. Sirius Black. And where there was Black, Potter was never far behind. With an exaggerated sigh, she pushed up from the alcove she had settled into and placed her book face down. At least she'd be able to take some house points from Gryffindor. She didn't even want to know what Black was doing near the dungeons. No doubt trying to prank her house again — as if hexing the entire house's tongues to the roof of their mouths last week wasn't enough. They couldn't speak for most of the day!

"Mulciber, for the last time —"

Juliet stepped out of the shadows, cutting the boy off with a sharp, "I'd be careful how you finish that sentence, Black." Her stomach knotted as she scanned the group and found they were one member down. "And hate to break it to you, but I think you lost your fourth musketeer. That is what you call yourselves, right?"

"Marauders," Peter rushed to correct, indignant.

She shot the boy a saccharine smile, the white of her teeth shining like fangs in the dark. "Right, well, I suggest you go find Potter before the separation anxiety gets too much," said Juliet, inclining her head. "And since you're out after curfew, that'll be ten points from Gryffindor. Each."

Remus frowned. "Mulciber was here too."

Juliet made a show of spinning around in a circle, knowing that any decent Slytherin would have the self-preservation instincts to flee when they had the chance. "Too bad I don't see him anywhere."

"That's not fair! You're abusing your po—"

"Yes, the time-honoured prefect institution has been corrupted. The system is well and truly broken, what a shame." Juliet rolled her eyes, knowing it was a cheap badge and nothing more at the end of the day.

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