Chapter 8

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Shadow's widened in shock what he saw. He watched helplessly as he saw one of the police cars drive off with his father inside! What was going on, he couldn't but wonder about this. Knowing that Tweedle Dee wasn't going to go anywhere for the moment moved quickly and quietly without the officers seeing him.

"Looks like I'll have to get in through the back." Shadow had thought, "I'll have to find Maria, Garry and Snow. Tell them what's--"

Just than he saw the officers taking some pictures of something at the stairs.

"What the hell are they looking at anyway?"

He got closer without the Officers noticing. When he got close enough to see what really bought the officers to the front door. He poked his head out of the bushes he covered his mouth by what he saw. It was Snow White's head! Right there at the doorsteps.

Shadow covered his mouth almost throwing up again.

"No..." He whispered, "No, no, no, no. It can't be. It can't be true! It can't be!"

He didn't want it to be true, but there she was, as the officers started to move her head, and before he knew it the officers had left with the head. He removed himself from the bushes when most of them had left.

"This can't be happening... It can't be happening... That wasn't Snow just now. Just tell me that wasn't Snow."

Than Shadow had just realized something.

"Maria! I've gotta find her!"

Shadow quickly ran inside the Woodlands; The minute he did, he found himself colliding with someone and falling backwards.

"I'm sorry!" Shadow said sitting up, "I wasn't looking where I was--"

He stopped in mid-sentence when he had realized it was just his friend Garry.

"Shadow!" Garry said, "Jesus christ man! Don't go running into people like that!"

"Garry!" Shadow cried out, "Thank god you're here! Just now the Mundy Police were--"

"Here I know." Garry said helping Shadow up off the floor, "I saw it from the window of my apartment. What was all that about?"

"It's Miss White!" Shadow said in a panic, "They found her head just now! At the very doorstep!"

Garry's eyes widened in shock, "What?! Are you serious?!"

"I saw her with my own eyes!" He said, "Where's Maria?! Have you seen her?!"

Garry shook his head, "I thought she was with Miss White!"

Shadow's eyes widened in realization, "No... Don't tell me she's also..."

"Hey come on Shadow, calm down." Garry said, "You don't know that for sure."

"But what if she is?!" Shadow at him, "What than?! Huh?!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, calm down Shadow." Garry said, "You're better than this. Just calm down, it's going to be alright. Now are you sure it was Miss Whites head?" Shadow nodded his head, "I'm 100% certain, that it was her head."

"Than there's no doubt about it." Garry said, "Between this and Faith, it's gotta be the same killer."

"How can you be sure?" Shadow asked him.

"C'mon." Garry said, "The head, leaving it right at the front door. It's obvious!"

Garry soon realized that Shadow wasn't with anyone. "Wait a minute. Where's the boss?"

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