Chapter 19

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Out with the old, in with the new... Long live the queen.

    Bigby found himself sitting in his chair of his apartment hearing the thunder outside from the rain. He heard the sound of an axe getting dragged. He turned to look around his apartment. He saw that there was a trail of blood across the hardwood floor. The blood trail lead towards what appeared to be a body.

    He saw that it was Shadow's body, in a pool of his own blood; His head not even attached to his body. He jumped at the sight of it and attempted to go to him but stopped when he saw another person standing before him.

    It was Bloody Mary, her shirt and face stained with his own son's blood.

    Bigby backed up in his chair at the sight of Bloody Mary. She prepared to swing the axe. with a smile plastered on her face.

    "See you around."

    With that she took a swing.

    -Woodlands Apartment 204 (Early Morning)-

    Bigby's eyes shot open feeling intense pain mostly from his chest and arm. He hissed through the pain he felt and tried to sit himself up, but it only made it worse than before. It wasn't long till he realized that he felt the bullets that he took last night removed by none other than Doctor Swineheart himself.

"Hollow bullets are a nasty business." He heard Swineheart say, "The silver slug deformed and shattered on impact."

Bigby picked up his head slightly and saw Snow in the room pacing in the room, wearing her grey jacket and skirt instead of her usual clothing; most likely because the other clothing she had on was stained with a lot of his own blood.

"He'll be okay, though..." Snow said to Swineheart.


"He'll be okay?"

"His internal organs are positively riddled. If I don't extract every single scrap of silver... he's liable to suffer long-term toxicosis..."

Bigby tried to sit himself up a bit more comfortably but groaned when the pain hit him all throughout his body.

"Easy there now." Swineheart said as he continued to remove the bullets, "Try not to move."

Bigby had attempted to say something, but instead he had spit to the floor.

"Bigby..." Snow couldn't help but say.

He soon saw his arm in the most horrible condition; answering his question to why he couldn't move it. "We can't keep meeting like this old boy... I'd figure I'd be done by the time you regained conscious, but there's little I could do for the pain."

"Swineheart..." Bigby had finally managed to say, "How bad is it?"

"Well, not the worst I've seen but damn near it." Swineheart replied while removing another bullet, "I must say, you're testing my skills here."

Bigby moved his left arm again letting his hand go limp.

"Bigby please don't move it!" Snow said, "Doctor..."

Swineheart had replied, "Look, I'm a bit engaged saving his life at the moment... but if the fractured extremity concerns him that much, he can set it himself."

Bigby finally managed to sit himself up more comfortable and used his other arm to fix his broken arm. He took his left hand and prepared himself for the pain that was going to come. He pushed his arm back in but only made him cry out in pain causing his left arm to drop on the armchair.

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