Chapter 13

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-11:43 p.m; Woodlands Business Office Hours Later-

Bigby sat on Crane's desk with his shirt off revealing his muscles and abs, as Dr. Swineheart was finished patching up his wounds. Snow stood to the side, and Shadow, Maria, and Garry had helped out Bufkin fix up the mirror. Bigby watched as they worked, still not believing that the Magic Mirror was shattered into millions of pieces, and still couldn't believing at the fact about what Crane did to Lily and thought about doing to Snow.

Swineheart placed his equipment away, "I did as well as I could to take out the buckshot, but there's still some shards left embedded in your shoulder. They'll eventually worm their way out on their own but... until they do you're going to be sore."

Snow had said to Bigby seeing the look on his face, "Bigby, Dr. Swineheart was appointed Fabletown physician for a reason."

"It's okay." Swineheart said, "There's only one thing you have to take away from all this: take it easy."

Bigby stood up and stretched his arms; he groaned when he felt his bones crack.

"Don't go looking for any fights." Swineheart had told him, "Keep staring off your heart."

"How's everyone else?" Bigby had asked him, "Did they all make it?"

"They're fine." Swineheart had reassured him, "I had everyone that got wounded sent home. Holly refused to let me see where she lived, so I left her and Grendel back at her bar with a dose of juniper and spring water."

Bigby still couldn't help but worry about it. He didn't show it in his face, but Swineheart could see it in his eyes. "They're titans Bigby. They'll be fine." Swineheart said, before telling him, "Just remember what I said. The stitches won't hold up if you continue to act... Like you normally do. Everything in moderation. And uh, eat more chicken your blood pressure's through the proverbial roof."

"I'll try to." Bigby had told him.

"Alright than. Very good." Swineheart said.

The phone rang in the office and Snow went to answer. "Business Office?" She said. They heard chattering over the phone, but the only thing that Snow had replied, "I know, I'll have to call you back."

She hung up and turned to Bigby, "The town is starting to find out..." She said to Bigby.

"Well, I'll leave you to work." Swineheart said, "Miss White. Bigby."

With that, he took his leave. Bigby then went to go put his shirt back on; Snow had said, "So to recap..."

Bigby had started to recap as he button up his shirt, "Crane watched me and Garry through the Magic Mirror when we uncovered his room at the Open Arms. Then he smashed it so we couldn't use it ourselves. And we know this, because Bufkin was drinking in the rafters. That about cover it?"

"Once all the pieces are back together... It'll be easier to catch Crane." Snow said, "So I guess that's the plan."

"That's the plan?" Bigby said, as he fixed the tie, "Just wait for the mirror?"

"It's all we have right now." Snow told him, "Just... what the hell is going on? Just, I don't know what the Tweedles get out of this. I— don't know if Crane sent them, I don't know if... I mean this is gonna sound crazy but... Do you really think Crane did it? Do you really think he killed those women?"

Bigby had replied, "I'm as confused as you are and to be honest, I don't know... It just doesn't make sense."

"He's a conniver, a... coward, a liar." Snow said with her eyes full of rage and at some point with a confused look, "And I will always hate him for that, and I'll hate him for how he held me in his thoughts. But murdering prostitutes..."

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