Chapter 30

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-Two Days Later-

    Shadow felt himself slowly come too, groaning as he did. He blinked a couple of times finding himself in a room all to familiar to him. He felt what he was laying down on, finding it to be somewhat lumpy.

    "I'm back in my room?" Shadow said

    At first he thought everything that happened was a dream until he went to rub his eyes. He found that there was a patch on his left eye. He didn't know why it was there exactly but it took him a second to remember why it was there.

    Shadow said, "My eye is really gone. So it wasn't a dream."

    "You're right, it wasn't."

    Shadow turned and saw his father standing in the doorway. "Dad." He said, "What happened?"

    "You were throwing up blood, that's what happened." Bigby explained, "You gave everyone a scare there. I had to bring you up here after everyone had calmed down."

    "How long was I out?" He asked him.

    "Two days." He replied, "While you were unconscious, Greenleaf managed to find a way to keep the Crooked Man imprisoned, forever."

    "So than, I'm guessing this wraps up the case?"

    "Yeah, it does. Why? You wished it was still open?"

    "No, God no! But I think you were right at the beginning. This case isn't like the ones I've been able to deal with."

    "Wasn't gonna say I told you so."

    "Sure you weren't..."

    Shadow felt his eye patch over his left eye. He sighed and couldn't help but say, "I guess, I'm just gonna have to learn to live with one eye for now on."

    Bigby seemed to ignore what he said and asked, "Why did you keep from me?"

    Shadow looked at him questioningly for a moment, not quite understanding what he meant, "What?"

    Bigby explained it to him, "Maria, and Garry, they told me about the visions that you were having. The ones about your past."

    "We were looking for Crane and I thought tha--"

    "I already heard that reason. What's your real reason?"

    "My real reason?"

    "Yes. And don't try to change the subject."

    Shadow gave out a sigh, knowing very well there was no way to get out of this one. "...The reason why I didn't tell you? I was... I was scared to tell you."

    "You were scared?" Bigby asked him, "Why?"

    "I was scared that if I told you, I would hear something differently from you if I told you."

    "Told you something different? Hold on, you mean you knew?"

    "Your journal that you tried to hide from me. I found it when you were talking to Crane. I didn't say anything because even though I knew, I didn't fully understand it, and I wanted to hear it from you. I was scared that if I told you, I would hear something different, so that I wouldn't get freaked out or anything."

    "So that's why you didn't say anything? You thought I would lie to you?"

    All Shadow did was nod his head. Bigby sighed and rubbed his head. He sat down on his bed and continued to rub his head. "You know you can be very stubborn about these things you know that?"

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