Chapter 7

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-Two Years Ago; Woodlands Apartment-

Garry sat in the Living Room with his little seven year old sister watching television. His mother Beauty came in with two plates which had brownies."Here you Garry, Ib, fresh out of the oven." She said to them handing each of them a plate containing one brownie.

"Aw sweet!" Garry said with a smile and his eyes just sparkled at the sight, "Thanks mom!"

"Thank you mommy!" Ib said with her eyes sparkling as well.

They took the plates of brownies from their mother and proceeded to eat them; their eyes sparkled even more, which caused Beauty to giggle a little. "Hey mom?" Garry had asked, "Is dad going to take us to the park today?"

Beauty had replied, placing her hand on his shoulder, "Oh, I'm sorry honey. Daddy had to work again today."

"Oh..." Garry said with a pouty look.

Beauty than cheered him by saying, "But don't worry, I'm sure he'll take you and Ib to the park this coming weekend, okay?"

"Yeah, sure." Garry replied.

Just than they heard the doorbell ringing. "Who could that be?" Beauty had mumbled to herself and she proceeded to answer the door. She opened the door and it was revealed to be--

"Oh, Shadow, Maria!" Beauty said.

"Hi Mrs. Beauty." Shadow & Maria both said.

"What are you two doing here?" She asked the two of them.

"We came here to see Garry." Shadow had replied to Beauty, "Is it alright if we come in?"

"Of course, come on inside." Beauty had said to them, and she lead them to the Living Room.

Garry had immediately took notice of them. He recognized Shadow, but he didn't of course recognize Maria. "Oh hey! It's you again." Garry said to him, "Good afternoon."

"Hey there Garry." Shadow said, "It's nice to see you again."

"So your Garry huh?" Maria said, "It's nice to finally meet you. My name is Maria White."

"Maria White?" Ib had asked "You were adopted by Ms. White?"

"Yeah." Maria said, "The one and only Snow White."

"What are you guys doing here anyway?" Garry had asked.

"Our parents are at work right now." Shadow had replied, "They said it was okay to come and visit you."

"Really they allow you to do that?" He asked.

"Yeah." Maria said, "So long as we don't get into any trouble."

Maria & Shadow sat down beside Garry as they talked for a little while. Since the day that Shadow had saved his life from the teenage mundies they have been hanging out, or at least try to make the time for it. Considering the fact that Shadow was grounded by Bigby Wolf for pulling what he considers a stupid stunt, and should've at least told him about the situation and thus he was grounded for two weeks. Garry kind of felt bad for getting him grounded, but Shadow told him not to worry about it and had said it was alright.

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