Chapter 22

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There's a cameo crossover that'll make an appearance here and towards the end of the chapters! All I can tell you is, she is a character from the anime if you know it called Symphogear, and she'll be playing the part of an unknown Fable. Try to guess who she is :).

-Hours Earlier-

Shadow, Maria and Garry left the Woodlands Apartments, to go in hopes in finding the so called loan shark the Crooked Man. At first Shadow's best friends didn't know what he was planning exactly, until he had explained thoroughly and calmly as possible. Of course they didn't exactly take it well.

"BREAK INTO THE PUDDING 'N' PIE!?" Garry exclaimed as he drove. Shadow sat in the driver's seat and cringed when Garry shouted; Maria and Ib, who were in the back seat cringed when he shouted too. Shadow removed his hands from his ears, "Seriously, can you be anymore louder? Do you want the whole world to hear you?"

"Sorry, but I'm just shocked at the fact that you're suggesting that we... BREAK INTO THE PUDDING 'N' PIE!" Garry said, shouting at the end of his sentence.

"We've established that part already." Shadow said rubbing his ears, "But, look in all seriousness, I know breaking into the Pudding 'N' Pie is crazy enough, even in my book (Whoa, I never thought I'd say that), but if we have any hope on finding the Crooked Man, we should start there."

"Not that I'm all for the plan, but..." Maria started to say, "What makes you think that there's something there?"

"It's because of what happened tonight." Shadow said.

Garry, Maria and Ib looked at him with confusion. "You seemed to have lost me man." Garry said.

"Mary and even the Crooked Man found us the minute we stepped into that club." He explained, "When we got there, Georgie was talking to someone over the phone. Before we went to confront Crane, I overheard him telling the person that he was having a problem."

"So?" Maria couldn't help but ask.

"So, in other words, Georgie Porgie is in league with the Crooked Man. And if I'm right, we might be able to find out where he's hiding by looking around there." Shadow said to the two of them.

"I guess that could work." Garry said, "But breaking and entering into a club with a guy who has own muscle is just insane! We would be beaten to near death if we were found snooping around!"

"I know. Which is why we're going to wait until he leaves; we'll find what we're looking for and then get out before anyone realizes we were there."

"What if we run into trouble though?" Maria asked, "I mean we can't exactly ask Mr. Wolf for help, not after what he went through. So if we get into trouble what then?"

"Don't worry I have a plan if we do get stuck in a pickle." Shadow said, messing around with his dog tag. They both didn't realize what he meant until it had sunk into their heads. "You're gonna try to transform into a wolf?" Garry asked, "Like Bigby?"

Shadow nodded his head, his eyes, looking unsure. "If it comes to it, than I might have to." He said.

Maria immediately protested, "No way! That's too dangerous! Look I know you know about it but we're not even sure that you're able to control that side of you! You don't even know how to change into it!"

"I know." Shadow said to her, "I know. But I'll try if we do run into trouble."

"But you might kill someone if you change into your wolf form!"

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