Chapter 23

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"It won't be long until he's under our control."

"But what about the side effects? Shouldn't that be of concern?"

"Who cares about that? As long as he's obedient we don't have anything to worry about."

"But it could destroy his mind the longer he stays in that form."

"And like I said, who cares about that? As long as my boss get's what he wants we won't have anything to worry about."

(Shadow's P.O.V)

The vision started to fade from my mind as I slowly came to. I couldn't remember what had happened at first but after I blinked a couple of times it slowly came back to me. My friends and I, we went to the Pudding N Pie Club when no one was around hoping that we could find something that could lead us to the ring leader of Mary and the Tweedles and possibly the killer the Crooked Man. We managed to find a clue at least I think it was clue, but that was short lived when a teenage girl found us in the office of Georgie Porgie, and told us to run back to the Woodlands, since Tweedles Dee and Dum and even Bloody Mary were looking for us.

Or at least that's what I thought at first.

The Tweedles didn't go after my friends, instead them and even Mary came after to me. They managed to catch me when Mary shot me in the leg, and then she kicked me unconscious.

And now, I have no idea where the fuck I am.

I looked around the room I was in, and I was quick to realize it had no windows. All the room had was a dimly lit light and a single wooden chair, like something out of a medieval dungeon. The floor I was laying on was a wooden and cold; all I was laying down on was a blanket. I stood up and fixed myself up. I tried to walk but immediately regretted it, when I felt agony in my knee and fell to ground.

Oh right duh, Mary shot me in the leg.

I got up, slowly this time, and started to walked around with limp. The room wasn't all that big, but at the same time it wasn't that small. What kind of a place am I in anyway? It wasn't long until I spotted a single door right in front of me. That's it! That could be my way out!

I tried to run for the door but soon found out that something was attached to my ankle. I looked down and I saw that I was attached to a chain and it could only go so far. Of course they would think ahead and do that, just my luck! I kneeled and used all my strength to at least break the chain off since I was a lot stronger than I looked. I tried over and over again, to see if I could get free, but I didn't have the strength as I did other times before. My mind was too wrapped in getting out of the chain, so much in fact that I didn't even hear the door open and then shut close.

"You know it's pointless for you to break out of that chain right?" A familiar voice had said.

I immediately turned around and I was shocked to see it was the girl that my friends and I ran into when we were at the Pudding N Pie; the girl who told us to run.

I sat there, dumbfounded, not knowing what to say to her exactly.

She walked over to me, and handed me something; it was a bottle of water. "Here." She said, "I figured you might be thirsty so I bought you something to drink."

Now finally realizing my throat was dry, I took the water bottle from her, opened it, and started to gulp it down like I haven't drank for days.

She sat in the only chair to which the room provided and said, "If you're wondering how long you've been out, you've been out for a few hours. The Tweedles threw you in here after they caught you."

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