Chapter 6

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-Two Years Ago, Woodlands ApartmentRoom 204-

 Shadow never thought this would happen but he was bored as hell. Especially at the fact that his father was at work and Maria had something to do and he couldn't see her today. He had already read the dozen books he had in his room, he even reread most of them; that's how bored he was. And what's worse, his father told him not to leave the Woodlands without him or at least without his saying so. It felt like it was a prison.

 He now found himself watching the TV, and as always nothing good was on, he didn't even know why he even bothered. He looked at the time and let out a groan.

 "I feel like I'm going to croak any second now... If something doesn't come my way, I'm going to be very pissed."

 As if he spoke of the devil, he heard cries of pain outside, and the sounds of laughter of enjoyment. Curiosity overtook him and he went to the window to check it out. He saw that there were three older boys picking on a young boy who appeared to be two years older than he was. The young boy had short purple hair and wore a dark green t-shirt, and a pair of jeans that was rolled up showing his ankles and a pair of sneakers.

 The young boy was getting picked by three older boys, from which Shadow could tell they were mundies.

 He saw them kicking the boy, and shouting names. Shadow knew he couldn't just sit there and watch them beating him like a punching bag. He climbed out the window and on the balcony, and very quietly made his way down to where the boy was.


 Garry felt himself being thrown against the a trash can; He wiped off the blood from his mouth. "You gonna cry out to mommy you little eggplant?" The teen boy said, "You gonna sit there and cry?"

 "Look, I told you already, I don't want any trouble!" Garry had tried to reason while getting up. However he was kicked down to the ground again. Before they could continue, they heard a voice.

 "Hey! Back off and you won't get hurt!"

 The teens turned to see another boy, a pre-teen who looked to be two years younger than Garry. He wore a red and black shirt with a peace sign and grey cargo pants and red sneakers. The pre-teen had shoulder length black and red hair, and red eyes.

 The older teens laughed at him. "Really? You want to play with the big boys you little brat?"

 The three teens then started to stalk over him, and the boy got into fighting stance. "What are you doing, get out of here!" Garry shouted to him.

 One of the teens try to throw a punch at him, but the boy ducked and then did what appeared to be an upper cut. The teen fell back, onto the other piles of trash, just right next to Garry. The two other teens charged at him and tripped them. He then ran over to Garry. "Are you okay?"

 "Yeah, I'm alright." Garry replied before saying, "How in the world, did you do that?!"

 "I taught myself how to fight." The boy replied.

 "But..." Garry said, "There were three of them, against a kid like you?"

 "I'm not a kid." He said as he helped Garry up off the floor, "Besides, I just saved your life from a bunch of mundies, didn't I?"

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