Chapter 3 PT4

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Garry, Maria and Bufkin, managed to get the books they needed to find out who the girl's name was. They had immediately started looking but so far they were having no such luck, even with the symbol on the ring.

They only thing they managed to find was the first book was the symbol that was the same as the ring was on what had appeared to be a tyrants clothing, now they were all looking in the book of symbols; All three of them.

"Man this is taking forever." Garry said

"We have already found some kind of clue but even that's not getting us anywhere." Shadow had said.

"Don't worry Shadow." Snow had reassured him, "We'll find it, we have to."

Soon enough Bigby had found the symbol that is similar to the one on the ring and on the tyrants clothing. There was just one problem though.

"Ah hell." Bigby said.

"What's wrong?" Shadow asked him.

"I can't read any of this shit." Bigby told him.

"I can help." Bufkin had said flying over to him.

"Thanks." Bigby said.

"We look out for each other." The green monkey replied.

"Don't overdo it."

Bigby pointed to the symbol that was on in the book, at the top of the third page. "This one." He said, "Which symbol is this from, which family or story?"

Bufkin took a look at the symbol, "That's an odd one." The green monkey said, before pronouncing it, "Allair-lie-rau? I'll go look it up."

He flew over to a large book which was filled with names of all the Fables (Sadly except for the unknown Fables) and started flipping through the pages.

"Allerleirauh." Garry repeated with correct pronunciation, "That means every kind of fur in German."

"You know German?" Shadow asked him giving him a quizzical look.

"Dad taught it to me." He said.

Before Shadow could say anything more, they had heard Bufkin say, "I found it, Donkeyskin."

"That's it!" Maria said.

"What does it say?" Snow asked.

Bufkin began to read the description; he ended up laughing at a certain point, "Donkeyskin girl, also known as Donkeyskin, also known as Ass skin, prefers to be called Faith, poetic."

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