Chapter 12

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-Two Years Ago; Central Park (Sometime in Spring)-

Shadow and Maria were both playing  cops and robbers and seek in the park, as Bigby and Snow talked to each other from afar. The two children had both chased each other until finally Shadow to catch her. "Finally!" Shadow said, "I caught you!"  Maria let out a giggle, "You gotta get better at running, otherwise you'll never be able to catch the bad guy." 

"Oh come on! Shadow said, "I'm pretty good at running!"

"I know, but I'm just saying that it'll do some good if you practice some more when we're playing games like this." She said to him.

"So what do you wanna do now?"

"How about we go on the swings today?"

"Sure race ya there!"

Shadow got a head start from Maria and they both ran towards the swings. Shadow touched the fence first. "Ha! Beat you to it!" He said.

"Okay, okay, you win." Maria said, "But you have to push me on the swing."

They went ahead to the swings, and took turns pushing each other on the swing. Eventually they sat in the grass and they watch the clouds go by, naming the people and shapes. As they did they ate their favorite cookie, a Vanilla Bean Cookie. Just than they were approached by three other children that were older than they were.

"Hey!" One of them had said specifically to Shadow.

Shadow picked up his head to look up at the three older mundy children. "Can I help you?"

"No, but I think I can help you freakshow." The older boy replied.

Shadow tilted his head, "Help me with what exactly?"

"Help you look for join the circus of course!" He said mockingly, "I do believe that they're missing a few cast members."

Him as well as the other two older kids laughed at the comment. "Yeah, real funny." Shadow said sarcastically, "Look just leave us alone, we don't any trouble."

"Hey now that's not nice." The boy had said, "Quit trying to spoil our fun."

"Please just do what he says." Maria had told them.

"Hey, you can't tell us what to do!" The third boy said, "We're older than you so we have more authority!"

"Make me." Shadow had threatened the three teens.

"Are you looking to start a fight with us?"

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