Chapter 4

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-Tenement Building-

Bigby and Snow were walking over to the Tenement Building where they had a gotten a call about Toad, saying that someone was going through the Woodman's things. They had gotten off the cab just a few blocks down and had decided to walk the rest of the way due to traffic down the street.

The sheriff was just finishing telling Snow about what had happened between him and the Woodsman last night.

"...And we ended up going out the window and I landed on Toad's car." Bigby had finished.

"By the sound of it, you guys made a real mess." Snow said to him.

"Yeah, it looks even worse in the day." Bigby said back.

They approached the building, but as they did they saw someone move within the Woodsman apartment.

"Is someone up there?" Snow asked.

Bigby saw someone moving in the Woodsman apartment. From the looks of it, he was searching for something.

"Hey!" He shouted to the man.

This had caused the man to make a break for it.

"Wait here." Bigby had said to Snow.

He went inside the Tenement Building and ran up the stairs to the Woodsman apartment. He went through the opened door and began to look around. He looked around the whole apartment and did confirm, that there was no one there within where Woody had lived.

"...Shit." Was all Bigby could say.

He went towards the hole in the wall that was made last night. Both him and Snow exchanged looks and motions to each other. Snow had then entered the building and Bigby was on his way out of the apartment when suddenly he heard the voice of a child, and then after it came Mr. Toad; Most likely the voice had belonged to Toads son T.J.

"I'm sorry!" He heard T.J cry out.

"That's enough alright! Just shut it!" He heard Toad yell soon after.

Bigby had then gone downstairs to meet up with Snow. When he got there, he found Snow at the end of the hall by the door to Toads apartment. As he got closer the sobs of T.J were slightly louder.

"Is that his son?" Snow asked once Bigby got to the door.

"Toad's, I think." Bigby had replied.

Bigby was about to enter the apartment when Snow stopped him.

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