Chapter 18

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-Two Years Ago; Woodlands Apartment 204 (Evening)-

    Shadow woke up letting out yawn as he opened his eyes; he had soon realized that it was still night out to which he let out an annoyed grunt. He slowly sat up and felt that his throat was dry.


    He got up from the bed and exited his room. He looked around seeing that the apartment was empty.

    "Guess dad's not back yet. What is Crane complaining to him about anyway?"

    He went towards the kitchen and got himself a glass of water, and gulped it down. He looked at the time and saw that it was already midnight.

"Damn, I didn't realize that it was this late. I should try to go back to--"

The wind from the open window blew hard within the apartment which had somewhat startled Shadow, and all the folders and papers blew off from Bigby's desk.

"Goddamn it."

He went and shut the window; he went towards Bigby's workspace and started to gather up the fallen folders and papers and placed them back on the table as neatly as he could. Just as he was placing the last folder on the desk he saw what appeared to be a journal that was trying to look hidden.

He raised an eyebrow and took the journal from where it was.

"That's odd... Dad's never one to keep a journal."

At this point the young teen was filled with curiosity. He opened up the journal to the which dated back to what Shadow would assume his first time writing in the journal.

He read aloud to himself.

"My name is Bigby Wolf, or as many would know me as the Big Bad Wolf. Honestly I don't know why I'm writing in this garbage. Apparently Snow thinks this is a good way for me to I don't know clear my head up in a way, I just think this is stupid."

Shadow couldn't help but laugh at that.

"Yup. That really does sound like him."

He started to flip through the pages of the journal and he was amazed by what his dad had written down; From his most challenge case to even the silliest case that Bigby had ever did.

He stopped flipping through at one point when a few certain pages caught his eye.

"Hmmm... This was around the time Maria and I were adopted."

He then read aloud what was written.

"November 26th, 1977

Snow had gone to the Little Star orphanage again. She told me she was thinking about adopting for awhile. She thinks it would be a good way to start over since she had divorced that asshole Prince Charming.

I honestly don't know if it's a good idea, especially since Crane said himself that children can be a pest, but I can't exactly convince her to say no."

"Crane was thinking that we're pests? That's no surprise there honestly."

He continued to read.

"November 30th, 1977

Tomorrow is the day Snow's new daughter Maria will be coming home. I didn't exactly meet her but from what I heard she is a really sweet little girl that any person would ever meet.

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