Chapter 11

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Bigby had filled up to speed on what had happened in the Puddin' 'n' Pie Club, while he waited outside. He showed him the key to which he had received from Nerissa.

"The Open Arms?" Garry said, "I've heard about that place actually."

"You did?" Bigby had asked him.

"Yeah. It's a small and dare I say shitty motel that people go to if they are desperate enough to spend the night." Garry told him, "Well, at least, that's what I heard."

Garry handed the key back to him, "You think whatever we're looking for is in that place?"

"If it's the last place that Lily with this Mr. Smith before she was killed, then yeah, I would assume so." He said to the young teen, "Do you know where it is?"

"Of course boss." He replied to the Sheriff, "It's just a block from where we're standing so it's an easy walk."

"Alright. Let's go, there's no time to lose."

"Aye, aye boss!"

With that they went down the block from the Puddin' 'n' Pie. They eventually got to the Open Arms, and true to Garry's word it did look shitty. They saw what appeared to be another "employee" from the Puddin' 'n' Pie walk out with a mundy police officer. The mundy officer walked passed him and Garry, but he hid his face.

"Well, we're in the right place." Garry said to Bigby.

"I can see that." He told him. They entered the Open Arms hotel; and soon enough they were in the lobby. In the lobby there was a single cola machine and a single fan. The lobby gave out a very strange aroma which almost made Garry throw up by the mere smell of it. Bigby got out a cigarette and started to smoke.

"Damn. This looks even worse in here than it does out there." He said, shivering just from the aroma.

"What were you expecting? A five star hotel?" The Sheriff asked.

Garry had then replied, "Not really, but if you get rid of that strange smell than, this hotel would get lucky to get even a three and a half star rating."

Bigby couldn't help but chuckle, "Let's just talk to the front desk." He eventually suggested. They approached the front desk which had the window open, if so that other guest see who ever works there face. Garry rang the bell, and they heard the door open.

Surprisingly enough they heard a voice that he and Garry knew too well.

"Want it by the hour or the whole night?"

Both Bigby and Garry's eyes widened in shock; It was only confirmed when they saw the face they both knew too well. She had gasped when she saw the two.

"Beauty?" Bigby said.

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