Chapter 2

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-Tenement Building; Hours earlier-


It was just another normal night in Fabletown, at least it would be a certain sheriff. Bigby had gotten a complaint about the Woods man, or as others like to call him Woody. Everyone that lived in the building pretty much said he’s been an asshole the day he moved in.


A lot of the people well pretty much the whole building hates the guy, and it ‘s not often that Brigby get’s all kinds of complaints about him.


He entered the Tenement Building only to find the person who called which was Mr. Toad not in human form.


“Mr. Toad.” He greeted.


“Oh shit.” Mr. Toad had mumbled. He then turned to the Sheriff, “Bigby! Listen mate, I know I don’t look human. It’s a problem I get it, I just stepped out of the apartment for just a second to see what kind of damage this drunk shit has been doing. Just cut me a break yeah? I’ll get me glamour first thing in the morning.”


“I’ve heard enough of your excuses  Toad.” Bigby simply stated, “This is unacceptable. If you can’t afford any glamour, than your going to the Farm it’s as simple as that.”


“You can’t send me up to live with those animals…” Mr. Toad had said


All Bigby did was just give him a look. Causing Mr. Toad to shout, “You know what I mean!”


“Go see a witch. Get a glamour.” Bigby had told him.


Mr. Toad had replied, “Bigby! They’re bleeding me dry mate! The quality of the spells keep going down but the rates keep climbing up! I mean do you have any idea how much it cost to have an entire family glamoured?!”


“I don’t make the rules  Toad. Sorry.”


Just as they finished their conversation, an air conditioner suddenly fell from two-story window. “Fucking hell!” Mr. Toad cried out, “See, this is what I called you about Sheriff!”


“So what set him off?” Bigby had asked him


“Who knows what it was this time.” Mr. Toad had replied, “Man’s got a hair trigger. I avoid him as much as possible.”


“When did he start drinking?”


“I’m not sure he ever stopped.”


Over the commotion, they heard another voice this time a woman who had shouted, “FUCK YOU!

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