Chapter 29

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-Business Office; Witching Well Chamber-

    Snow had managed to get together the people that were involved with the case thus far. There was Holly, and Gren who are usual seen at the Trip Trap Bar, Prince Lawrence, Faith's husband, Auntie Greenleaf, the witch who worked with Ichabod Crane, Johann the Butcher, the owner of the Cut Above, and of course there was Beauty and Beast and Bluebeard. They were arguing amongst themselves, obviously talking about where Bigby was, and more importantly the Crooked Man and if he was coming.

    "When is this thing happening?" Holly asked Snow.

    "Are we sure he's even coming?" Beast asked her.

    "Yes." Snow replied, "You will have an opportunity too--"

    Snow was soon cut off when they all heard the sound of footsteps. They turned and saw Bigby, with the Crooked Man in cuffs. "They're back." Snow said with a smile of relief. She soon saw Maria and Garry come from behind; not only that she saw that Shadow who was wearing a white t-shirt and a pair of jeans was with them, helping him to walk. Everyone seemed to gasp when they saw that he had bandages around his left eye.

    "Oh my God..." Snow couldn't help but say when she saw him.

    Bigby bought the Crooked Man into the crowd; Gren spit on the Crooked Man and said, "Motherfucker."

    Snow went over to Shadow first, obviously worried about him. Shadow looked at her with tired eyes. "Hey Miss White." Shadow said to her, "I'm back."

    "Are you okay?" Snow asked him looking at his eye, "What happened to you?"

    "I'm fine, don't worry about me." Shadow said to her, "And uh... Mary managed to get the better of me, but it's alright, it doesn't hurt as much."

    Snow hugged him and Shadow hugged her back. "Thank God you're still alive." She said, "I'm so glad you're back with us."

    Breaking out of the hug she turned over to Bigby. "How about you?" She asked him, "Are you okay? You've been gone for hours. We were worried that you ran into trouble at the Crooked Man's place."

    "What? Don't I look okay?" Bigby asked her jokingly of course.

    "I guess you've been worse." Snow said with a smile, before stating, "I must say, you did well... I mean not that you did well, but that... y'know. I'm just glad, you're all back in one piece."

    "It's about time you showed up." Gren said to Bigby, "Now throw this asshole down the fucking well!"

    "Yes, what are you waiting for?"

    "You murderer!"

    "You killed Lily!"

    "She was my sister!"

    "How could you?!"

    "We did everything you said!"

    "What could they do to deserve this!?"

    "You're a fucking crook!"

    "You should be ashamed."

    "Fucking piece of shit!"


    "EVERYONE PLEASE!" Snow shouted, getting everyone's attention. Once she was sure eyes were on her she proceeded to say, "Thank you all for coming on such short notice. I know normally we would schedule a formal hearing, but considering the circumstances... I thought it would be best to do this as soon as possible."

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