Chapter 10

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-Later that Afternoon; The Trip Trap Bar-

 Gren had sat at the edge of the bar, while Jack paced around waiting for Holly to give him so darts.

 “This whole thing is just complete bullshit and always has been.” Gren had said to Holly, “I mean, what’s his job, really?”

 “To keep shit from reaching the Woodlands.” Holly replied before turning to Jack, “Jack I don’t know where they are.”

 “You’re a bar. Your supposed to have darts around.” Jack told her as he continued pacing.

 “And normally I do.” Holly said standing up, “But who knows where the fuck they went after--”

 She stopped in mid-sentence when she heard the door open, and a few people entered. It had turned out to be, Bigby and Snow, and the three teens, Shadow, Garry and Maria, who had stood behind them. Holly and Gren’s expression had changed when their eyes laid upon Bigby, who was just getting rid of his cigarette.

 “C’mon Holly.” Jack said to her, not even noticing that her expression had changed, “I need some entertainment.” He turned and finally noticed that Bigby was in the Trip Trap as well, “This’ll do.” He said.

 Gren and Holly turned to each other, unsure of what to do; Holly had proceeded to put away the bottle of whiskey and glass cup away. Bigby knew that they were still shaken up about certain events that had occurred last night.

 “Okay, okay.” Bigby said calmly, “I know just relax. I’m not here to start anything.”

 Once again, Gren and Holly looked at each other, a bit more relax than before. “Okay.” Holly had said crossing her arms and giving him a stern look.

 Jack then turned to Snow, “Miss White. I heard you had kind of a, strange morning...”

 “It’s been, kind of a strange morning for everyone, I think.” Snow had said awkwardly.

 Jack then approached Bigby and Shadow, and placed both of his arms around the both of them, “Every time I see this guy he seems to lose weight. It’s amazing, am I right Shades? He loses weight and yet somehow keeps all the muscle.”

 “Umm…” Shadow had said not even knowing how to answer him.

 “Jack…” Bigby had said.

 “Wolfie. My dear, how are you?” Jack said cutting him off. Bigby got out of Jack’s grip as did Shadow. The sheriff then walked over to Holly. He was about to say something to her, till once again Jack had cut him off again, “Because you know we were just talking about you. All of us. At the bar, here. About you.”

 “Not too good right now.” Bigby said to Jack.

 “Well that’s sad to hear.” Jack said, “Me? Oh, I’m great as usual.”

 “Right.” Garry had mumbled.

 “I’m dying to hear about the body that came out of the East River.” Jack had started to say, “It was a Fable right?”

 “How do you even know about that?” Shadow asked.

 “Oh Shades, everyone knows about it.” He had replied to him.

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