Chapter 14

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-Two Years Ago; Woodlands Apartment 204-

Bigby bought Shadow back to Woodlands safely with Maria and Garry still shaken up by what Shadow had did; about how he had killed the three mundies. After he did that, he managed to get the bodies of the three mundy teens out of the open and made it seem like they died from an accident (Somehow) when morning soon came.

Shadow was still asleep in bed, and Maria, Garry, and Ib were sleeping just on each side. Maria with her arms and head resting on the bed and Garry was sleeping on a wooden chair with Ib on his lap. Bigby had told Snow what happened last night.

"He killed them!?" Snow had exclaimed, "Are you sure he did?"

"Yeah." Bigby told her taking a sip from his beer, "Garry and Maria saw what happened. The three mundy teenagers attacked them, and when one of them punched Maria, I guess he lost it. He just killed them without a second thought, then he ended up turning on them. They tried to snap him out of it but he wasn't listening to them, so I ended up knocking him out."

"Jesus..." Snow said holding her head, "Was he..."

"No." Bigby told her, "He wasn't in full wolf form and thank god for it. But he was slowly changing into one. His claws and his fur was starting to grow."

Snow still couldn't believe what she was hearing. "You know as well as I do that Crane will find out about this." Snow told him, "One way or another he will and he'll throw Shadow down the Witching Well."

"I won't let that happen to him." Bigby said to her.

"I know you won't." Snow said, "But even if you convince Crane to not throw him down the Witching Well he's going to give him a hard time, for something he had no control over. Let alone something he couldn't even remember doing."

"Don't worry about Crane." He said, "When he does find out I'll talk some sense into him." Snow then turned to Shadow's bedroom, "Guess we have a lot to explaining to do to those two, after what they saw tonight." She said.

"It couldn't exactly be prevented. I mean they were bound to find out about this sooner or later."  He told her.

"Question is how long before Shadow finds out about him being a wolf? It's already been seven years, and you still haven't told him."

"Until I can figure out why he can change into a wolf without him even realizing it, then I'll tell him."

"If he finds out before than? What will you do than?"

"Than I'll make sure he understands every word of it if he does managed to find out."

They soon heard groaning inside of the room. They saw that Maria and Garry were starting to wake up. Bigby and Snow both turned to each other and nodded their heads. Setting his beer down they went towards the room. Maria let out a yawn as she rubbed her eyes as Garry did the same. "Good morning you two." Snow said to them with a low voice not wanting to wake Shadow and Ib.

"Morning Miss White." Garry said after he let out another yawn.

"Did we fall asleep?" Maria said.

"Yup, you kinda did." Bigby had said. Garry rubbed the back of his neck, wincing in pain a little, "Man you guys are not gonna believe the dream I just had." Garry started to say,

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