Chapter 27

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Soon enough, Bigby along with Maria and Garry found themselves at the Pudding 'N' Pie. Bigby wasn't at all surprised at the fact that there was a blood trail. He found the door was unlocked and entered; Maria and Garry followed him inside. As they walked down the hall, they heard voices one belonged to Vivian, the other belonged to the teenage girl Chris and the third belonged to Georgie. They heard Chris's voice crack, most likely because she was sobbing.

    "Come on! We can't stay here!"

    "Gah! Hang on, I need a minute."

    "Okay, just take your time. Slowly."

    "It's no fucking use. No way I'm walking out of here."

    "Dad... Why did this have to happen? Why did it have to get like this?"

    "Shush love... We'll be alright. I promise..."

    They stepped through the doorway, and saw Georgie sitting in on the couch and Vivian and Chris sitting beside him. Georgie had a hand on top of Chris's head, giving her a comforting pat; telling her it was gonna be alright. It wasn't long till he noticed the three of them had entered the Pudding 'N' Pie.

    "Shit." Georgie said as he removed his hand from Chris's head. He forced himself to stand up, "Hello Bigby. I hoped you lot have come to your senses."

    He walked over to them, and Bigby walked over to ahead of Maria and Garry; still having that glare.

    "Crooked Man is the one you want." Georgie said to them, "But of course, the Sheriff is too much of an idiot to see that... Or maybe he likes me too much to let me go..."

    Bigby grabbed ahold of his neck, obviously still pissed about what he did; Maria and Garry were both a bit taken back by what he was doing. Chris quickly intervened, prying Bigby's fingers from her father's neck.

    "Please stop!" Chris begged, her voice still cracking. Bigby let go of Georgie, and the three of them saw her eyes were bloodshot red from the crying, and her cheeks were a bit puffy. "He's already had enough as it is!"

    Vivian stepped forward as well, "Look at him! He's hurt, he needs to get to a doctor before it's too late!"

    "Vivian! Chris!" Georgie said, "You don't know what you're doing!"

    "I can't believe I'm hearing this, especially from you Vivian!" Bigby said, "You guys can't seriously want to help him, after all that he's done!?"

    "We're not going anywhere." Vivian simply stated.

    "It's not his fault!" Chris said to them.

    "But Faith and Lily, he's the reason they're both dead!" Garry said, "He's a murderer!"

    Vivian had said, "Look, I know he's made a few mistakes. We all have."

    "WHAT?" Georgie said surprised at this.

    "He made sure they couldn't talk with those damn ribbons and then he killed them!" Bigby said, "You're wearing one yourself! Doesn't that bother you even a little knowing that he murdered--"

    "Of course it does!" Vivian said, "Those girls they meant--"

    "So it's all my fucking fault than!" Georgie said to her angrily, "You fucking--"

    He hissed in pain before he could finish his sentence.

    "You're gonna throw me to the fucking wolf too!?" Georgie shouted to her, "You know I didn't have a goddamn choice! You know they threatened Chris if I didn't do it otherwise! Gah! I DID WHAT I HAD TO! SO YOU CAN'T FUCKING BLAME ME FOR THAT!"

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