Chapter 5

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-Lawrence's Apartment; South Bronx-


Garry had parked the car just at the side of the building where Lawrence had lived. “Well this is the place.” Garry said as he took a good look out the window.


Shadow who had sat in the passenger’s seat in the front with Garry had said, “Look Garry I appreciate you coming with us, and giving us a ride but what I don’t understand is… WHY YOU BOUGHT YOUR LITTLE SISTER ALONG WITH US!?


Shadow pointed to Ib, Garry’s nine year old sister Ib, who sat next to Maria; She had long brown hair and red crimson eyes, like Shadow. She wore a white collared shirt with a red neckerchief and skirt. She also wore a pair of dark green knee high socks and a pair of brown shoes.


Garry gave Shadow a look, “What? She doesn’t like it when I’m away from the Woodlands. She get’s really lonely.”  


“Couldn’t your parents keep her company?!”


“No, trust me man they're busy as it is right now!”


“With what!?”


“I don’t know, with work I guess!!”


“Big brother, Shadow!” Ib said immediately getting between them, “You guys gotta remember, you two have a job to do remember, for the fate of Fabletown!”


Shadow and Garry both turned to Ib, and let out a laugh by how she acted. Ib started to slap them sensely at the back of the head, “Don’t laugh! This is serious!!”


“Ib! I’m sorry!” Garry said through his laughter, “But you just sound so funny by how you said it!”


“It’s true Ib!” Shadow said, “You did sound funny!”


Ib made a pouty look and said, “I’m not trying to be funny.”


Maria took a look at the apartment which had belonged to Lawrence. “You know guys, I’m starting to have second thoughts about this.” She said, “Maybe we shouldn’t be here.”


“It’s going to be okay Maria.” Shadow said to her, “We’ll be in and out as soon as we can. If anything goes wrong, we’ll get in contact with my dad, okay?”


“Okay.” Maria said, “That makes me feel a little better.”


“Well than, let’s get going than.” Garry said, “Ib, you stay here, if you see or hear anything suspicious, give us the signal.”


“Kay’ big brother.” Ib said.


And with that, Shadow, Maria, and Garry got out of the car and proceeded to the front door. They knocked on the door.

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