Chapter 1

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-Woodlands Apartment, Room 204 -


       A place where all Fables could go when they are not wanted in their Homelands. But it's like what Snow had said, "Everything isn't always perfect".  And I guess she is right. I don't even know how I ended up in Fabletown in the first place. It just sort of happened I guess.

       I'm an unknown Fable you see. And unknown Fables like me are orphans. We don't know which family we're from or story. All we know, or at the very least remember that we are Fables. I'm just glad I'm not the only one. My friends are unknown Fables as well and they have good families. I don't think it would be the same for me.

       My dad is or was the "Big Bad Wolf" back in his day, no literally the Big Bad Wolf, the whole deal. Let's just say now a days he doesn't get along with others and I can't really say that I blame them, sometimes he and I don't agree on the same things either.

       He is strict when he wants to be, but he has his reasons for being like that. He just tries to protect people from killing each other and such, but others just don't seem to get that like Mr. Toad. It's not that I hate Mr. Toad; it's just that sometimes he can get really annoying and stubborn as well, reminds me of my dads boss Ichabod Crane. Only difference with him and Toad is I don't like the guy's guts, something dad and I can agree on.

       All of us unknown fables are orphans we were pretty much adopted to other kinds of fables that actually want to have kids but for their own reasons they aren't able to have any. Like how Beauty and her husband Beast adopted Garry and his little sister Ib, and Maria was adopted by Snow White. I pretty much got stuck with Bigby Wolf.

       It's strange though, I don't remember actually meeting him for the first time, or him adopting me. It's just weird don't you think?

       I sat at the table, reading one of my books that Maria got for me. Looking at the clock it was already past midnight. Once again, my dad was working late; He had gotten a call from Mr. Toad, a compliant I think, something about the Woodsman.

       I couldn't sleep because honest to god I was a bit worried about my dad. I know the stories of Red Riding Hood, and he and the Woodsman do not get along well. The last time they had a confrontation, let's just say it didn't go so well and they both ended up going to a hospital.

       It's bad enough that he can't get some shut eye now a days, and that I have to live in a place like this and just straighten things out around here, but it would just... On second thought I'd rather not think about it.

       I got up from the table and placed it on the chair, and then went to get a drink from one of my dads beers. I was about to take a sip when I heard a familiar voice.

       "You're still underage you know?"

       I turned around to see Colin the pig. One of the three little pigs to be exact.

       "Colin." I said to him, "You snuck off the farm again I see."

       "Hey Shades." He replied, "Yeah, I did. Trust me the Farm is a bad place for a person likes myself. You would understand if you were in my hooves."

       After taking a small sip from the beer I placed it back in the fridge, "Why would you say that? I mean from what I've been hearing the Farm isn't that bad of a place."

       "Well that's because they don't know better Shades." He said to me, "And those are coming from the people that don't need to use glamour's."

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