Chapter 16

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-Aunty Greenleaf's Apartment 1284 White Plains Ave. (2:14 A.M; 14 Minutes Late)-

Bigby was looking for Auntie Greenleaf's room. He looked on every label on the door, looking for room number 23. It wasn't long till he heard Snow call out to him, "Bigby!" Bigby turned and saw that she was with Shadow and Maria. "We just got here."

"Yeah, I did too." Bigby said to her, "The room number is 23 but I haven't seen it yet."

"We're late."

"Yeah, I know."

Shadow and Maria went ahead looking for the number. Eventually Maria had called out to them, "Mr. Wolf, mom, Shadow, I found it!" They walked over to where Maria was and saw the number 23 right labeled on the door. "Alright." Snow said turning to Bigby, "How do you want to handle this?"

Bigby had knocked on the door softly. The door started to creak open, and at first they didn't see anyone that is until they heard sweet little voice, "Hello?" They looked and they were all surprised to see a little girl with pigtails with freckles and amber eyes wearing a yellow dress with flowers.

"H—Hi there." Maria said breaking the silence.

The little girl rubbed her eyes as she said to them tiredly, "You woke me up..."

"We're sorry about that." Snow told the little girl.

"Pardon the intrusion." Bigby said, "I wasn't aware this was a munchkin house."

"Well, Dorthy isn't." The little girl said with a smile.

"Sharp kid." Snow couldn't help but say letting the girl laugh a little.

"What's your name little one?" Shadow had asked the little girl.

The little girl opened the door a bit wider as she replied, "Rachel. Who are you? Just so, we're not strangers."

"I think she's asking you that." Shadow whispered to Bigby. "It does seem like that." Maria had added.

Bigby had then replied, "Dearie... I'm the Big Bad Wolf."

Before Snow could say something to him, she saw that the little girl named Rachel was filled with excitement. "Really?" She said with glee, "Wow! I've heard about you!"

"You have now?" Shadow said to her. Rachel had said to Shadow, "Yeah! I've heard all about how the Woodsman cut him open and fed you rocks for dinner and then threw him into the river, and he can't even swim!"

Rachel had then turned to back to Bigby, "Hey, did it leave it a scar? Can I see it?"

"Pretty excited for a kid at that age." Shadow thought to himself, "Then again I shouldn't be talking."

Bigby had said, "Okay kid, look, I'll make you a deal. If you're good... I'll give you a whole demonstration. I'll be me, you can be the grandmother, and my son here can be the Woodsman..."

"Wait, I have to be a part of that too?" Shadow couldn't help but say.

Bigby had then said, "Though, I don't know if Ms. White would necessarily approve."

"Okay, deal!" Rachel said with a smile before asking, "Is there... Anything else you need? I'm not allowed to let people in."

Maria kneeled and then asked, "Well we were told that a lady named Aunty Greenleaf lives here. Do you know her?"

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