Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

When I wake, Dylan is shaking me. In his deep voice he says, “Time to move. If we start early, you can get to your home early.”

                “Okay,” I reply. I sit up tiredly, stretch, and rub my eyes. The fire is out, and the sun is barely above the horizon. I stand up, and start following Dylan down a path. “Do you know your way out of here?” I ask.

                “Yes. It’s not far from the city. Near less than a mile.”

                Great. I want to get my car, and see Josh, and set up the iPhone Josh got me, and then just pass out in my bed for a while. After about a half hour, we’re exiting the trees, and I see large structures that look like they form a word. I run in front of them, and my face lights up when I see it’s the Hollywood sign. “These are larger than I’d expected!” I say.

                “Me too. I’d only seen pictures though.”

                “I’ve seen pictures and the dots they are from a distance.”

                “Come on. We should continue down.”

                It only takes about ten minutes to get down the large hill, and then another five to get into the city. “Thank you,” I tell Dylan, “for saving me, and for the magic trick, and for helping me out of the trees, and for getting me down the hill, and… everything.”

                “It was nothing. We weren’t far.”

                “I know, but I would’ve gotten so lost in there if I escaped myself, and I would’ve just rotten. Thank you.” I surprise myself when I find myself wrapping my arms around Dylan.

                I get back to the art store to get my car, and find Dana pretty much crying when she sees me. She runs up to me, and hugs me tightly. “ARE YOU ALRIGHT?” She asks.

                “I’m fine… I got some help… I just wanted to get my car and then pass out on my bed at home.”

                “I want to also. My car was supposedly towed, and I’m exhausted. Oh, and I found this.” Dana pulls out a magazine folded up from her back pocket. I take it, and see the cover picture is of me and Josh kissing that first time. How did they get this? Did Josh get the picture? Did Josh set up a camera when I wasn’t looking? Did paparazzi follow him and we didn’t notice? I’m guessing the later.

                “How did they get this picture…?” I ask.

                “I don’t know.”

                The title says that we’re apparently dating now. I mean, I get that they’d get that idea, but just because we kissed doesn’t mean we’re dating. I mean, we both said we loved each other. Josh bought me a phone. He helped me… multiple times. And I did what? Nothing. Josh was probably just being nice. It’s not a so-safe-bet though. He kissed me few times, not just once. I guess I should ask him, just to make sure.

                I start to hand the magazine back to Dana, but she says it’s an extra copy so I can show it to Josh. I thank her, get in my car, and drive to my apartment. The doors open to the elevator on my floor and I see Josh.

                “Oh.. hey.” He says, and looks at me funny. Then I realize I’m a filthy mess from sleeping in the dirt last night. I step off the elevator, and the doors close. “Why are you covered in dirt?” Josh asks in a half laugh.

                I’m about to ask him if he remembers what happened when I realize Danny knows the kidnap and half the escape part, Dana knows the me-getting-taken-away part, and Dylan knows the full escape part. That’s it. Period. No one knows the whole story. “Long story,” I say. “What’re you doing here?”

                “I was coming to surprise you early.”

                Surprise me? Why would he want to surprise me? “I honestly never get up before nine on Sundays…,” I say. “Why did you want to surprise me?”

                “I don’t know. I just kind of felt like it.”

                “Oh.” I pull out the magazine, and hand it to Josh. “My co-worker showed this to me.”

                “Do you want to make this true?” Josh asks me.


                “This magazine title. You want us to make it true?”

                What does that mean? Make it true? Have us go out? That pretty much means he’s asking me out right? “I don’t know. That long story involves Danny, and it’s just… I still need time to try to… I don’t even know anymore…” I start walking off to my apartment door, and Josh follows.

                “Alright. You want to hang out a little bit today though?”

                “I don’t know… I’m really tired, and dirty, and scarred.”


                “The story.”

                “Which you should tell someone.”

                Josh has a point. I should at least tell Dana. I don’t see her until Tuesday, when we share a shift again. And I trust Josh, and he’s right here. “Fine,” I say, and let Josh inside.

                “So what’s the story?”

                I sit on the couch before I feel like collapsing to the floor, and then spill every last detail about the story. How I was kidnapped. How I felt. What happened with Danny. Everything about Dylan. The whole escape thing. The magic trick. And up until I met up with Josh at the elevator. Josh sits down next to me.

                Josh doesn’t say anything, probably not knowing what to say. “I think I owe Dylan a lot. If it weren’t for him, I’d be lost.”

                I can’t help blushing at what he means. He wants to owe Dylan for saving my life. He’d be lost if I never returned. Which means he loves me. Right? I’m pretty sure that’s correct. “Yes.” I say. “I will.”

                “You will what?” Josh asks confused.

                “Go out with you.”

                Josh smiles a little, and leans in to kiss me. He doesn’t seem to care my face is filthy and probably has some kind of disturbing substance on it. When Josh pulls back, he can’t stop himself from wiping his mouth. I laugh a little bit, and say “I’ll go take a bath. I’ll be out in like fifteen minutes.”

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