chapter thirty-five

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Chapter thirty-five

Two months and I’ve gone crazy a lot, but Josh and Jenny and Dana and my parents refuse to bring me back to the hospital. I love them for it. They continuously check on me a lot just to make sure I’m okay. I wish they would leave me alone sometimes, but other times I appreciate it a lot.

         Richard released the album we were working on after the short photo shoot session. Short successful one anyway – we had to try over and over again because I continued to go pretty mad around him.

         I began wondering a lot of things. Why Josh continues to not be scared of me, and why he wants to put up with me. Why life is the way it is, and a lot of deep things about life. I wonder why I am alive. I told you, in the beginning, about those little cuts I had. After the five seconds of talking about it to Josh when we first met I completely forgot about them until I actually looked at my wrist one night. That same night I found blood on my wrist again. The following night with the same thing, blood, and a blade, and a wrist. The other nights had the same thing. I started wearing hoodies a lot, buying them every weekend too. I can’t have anyone find out because if anyone does, no matter who they are, it will get out and how will Hollywood look at me? They’ll say it’s for attention, obviously.

         I got a new house too, not a super huge mansion like Josh’s but a regular sized one. It’s cozy.

         It’s hard going out in public. I sometimes wish the amount of fans I would get didn’t go up so quickly. Being Josh’s girlfriend helped but also meeting Taylor Swift like I did helped also because that got out. I always keep my hoodie up and whatever, unless I’m in a store or mall or whatever, then I have it down so it doesn’t look weird or whatever.

         No one knows, though, about me and Danny and it was a miracle that what he did hadn’t gone out to the world because I don’t know how Josh would have reacted. It wasn’t my fault all I did was go to Danny’s house to say hi and just be friends but things didn’t end like that.

         It was last week, and as I said I went to Danny’s house to say hi and to just clear it up and be friends. So he let me in his house and I don’t remember exactly how he did it but he got me drunk and well I’ll leave it at that and let leave the rest of the details be figured out along with the “mystery” as to why I don’t need Josh to know what happened.

         I feel myself come back to what I think is reality when Josh strokes both my cheeks with his hands. “What’s wrong?” he asks me. “You seem… lost.”

         “I’m fine,” I say.

         “You sound like you are hiding something from me, Scarlett.”

         “I’m not hiding anything. I swear.”

         “Are you sure? You seem really tense and you’re wearing hoodies during a heat wave. Is that not weird?”

         “Yeah, well I’m weird. I don’t get hot. Is that bad?”

         “No, it’s lucky. But seriously, you’re acting suspicious.”

         “How? I’m not hiding anything.”

         “Sure. Then take off the hoodie it’s a billion degrees in here.” I stare at Josh and hold back tears. One almost falls from my eye but I quickly catch it. Josh uses his thumb to dispose of the others swarming out of my eyes. “You do know that you can tell me anything right?” Josh says.

         “I know.”

         “Then why don’t you tell me?”

         “Because I don’t want you to know.”

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