Chapter 30

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Chapter Thirty

I press my face harder into Josh’s chest. He holds me tightly. I want to hide. I want to escape everything, just for a little while. Not be involved in a single thing. Just hide.

          Josh presses his lips to my forehead. I wrap my arms around Josh’s chest and cry even harder. “Shh,” Josh says. “He’s alive, okay?”

          “I know… But… he tried to not be.”

          “Talk to him, okay? I’ll drive you.” I nod, and start sobbing.

          I get into my clothes slowly and make Josh let me skip breakfast. He takes me hand, and we take the elevator down to the lobby and then walk to Josh’s car. The ride to the hospital is a blur, and once, we get in, Josh kisses my cheek. We walk up to the desk.

          “May we visit Danny Felder?” I ask the lady.

          “One moment, please.” The lady turns and types some things into a computer. “I can escort you.” I nod, and the lady walks me and Josh down a few hallways, and into a somewhat small room. The lady leaves, and shuts the door.

          Danny turns his head to us, and says to Josh, “I want to see Scarlett alone.” Josh looks at me, and then nods. He walks out the room and shuts the door. “Hi,” Danny says.

          “Watched the news,” I say. “Why’d you want to…” I can’t finish the sentence. I press my lips together and hold my arms agaisnt my sides, fiddling with the sleeves of my thin jacket.

          “Can you come over here?” Danny asks, and I walk over next to his bed. He grabs my arm, startling me, and pulls me to his ear. Even though no one can hear us, he whispers, “I tried to kill myself because I wanted a girl like you and there is no other one. If I can’t have you why should I be alive?”

          I hesitate for a moment. How do you respond to this? Do I?

          “Well?” Danny says.

          “Maybe I’m just not the one, Danny. Love is blind,” I repsond. “It’s been eight months, please. If you love me, do me the favor of letting me go, okay?”

          Danny lets go of my arm, and looks toward me. “Fine,” he barely mumbles. “I won’t bother you about it. Can I tell you something?”


          “I see things like you. I just see them more rarely. I don’t know why I didn’t tell you.”

          “Liar. Please don’t ever lie about that, Danny.” I sit in the chair and hold my head.

          “I’m not lying…,” Danny says.

          “It was in your eyes. I could tell you were lying. If you were crazy too you would have gone crazy in front of me sometime. Considering we spent every second of our lives together there’s no way you could have just contained it. You can’t contain it; that’s not possible. Don’t lie about that.”

          “But –.”

          “No!” I scream, standing up and sending the chair behind me. “Stop it, Danny! This is too far! Just shut up! Don’t talk to me ever again! Please, just stop!” I drop to my knees and cry into the palms of my hands.

          I hear the door open, and feel someone hold my shoulders. “Scarlett, you okay?” I hear Josh say. “Scarlett?”

          I look up at Josh, but I don’t see him. I see a wolf. Not just a wolf a growling wolf, and angry wolf. It barks at me loudly, and I jump back. It starts running toward me and I back into the corner. It’s claws dig into my back and my legs and anywhere it can get to. I hear screams and cried of help escape my mouth, and I feel tears skating down my face. I feel blood covering my body. The wolf’s nose and teeth hit my face, and I feel blood streaming across my right cheek. I scream more, and try to push off the wolf.

          Something in me tells me this is Josh. I don’t know why this would be Josh. I don’t. It’s a wolf, and that’s what I know.

          More wolves appear and they join in to attack me. A couple wolves – as far as I can see through the thickness of black fur and teeth and tears – start making the original wolf back away.

          Suddenly, as if on queue, every single wolf leaves. I curl into a ball. The blood and tears soak my body. I hold my head painfully. Everything is just pain.

          “Scarlett!” I hear. I don’t open my eyes afraid I might see or experience something worse. “Scarlett, look at me!” I feel hands on my cheeks, and then someone making my sit up. I force myself to open my eyes, and I see Josh. I don’t see a wolf, I see Josh. “You okay?” he asks. I can’t answer. I’m breathing heavily, my eyes wide. “You okay?” he asks again.

          “I’m fine,” I croak.

          “Okay.” Josh kisses my forehead and helps me stand up.

          “What happened?” I hear someone ask, and look around to see it’s a doctor. She comes over to me, and holds my cheeks. “What happened?” she asks again. “What was that?” I don’t want to answer.

          Whenever I had to see a doctor about this craziness I never really did it in front of them, so they couldn’t exact put me away in a mental hospital; I think that’s the real reason why. They always asked me questions, but I could barely answer them.

          “Scarlett, do you remember me?” the doctor asks me. I stare at her and try to remember. I can’t. I shake my head. “I’m Dr. Kasmin. I’m the one who first helped you when you first came about this.” I remember that exact day. It’s such a long story I won’t share it now. I nod. “Just tell me what happened.” I shake my head.

          “I can’t,” I say. “I mean – I can’t put it into words.”

          “Was it imaginary creatures?” I shake my head. “Anything nonexistent?” I shake my head once again. “What was it? Just give me one word.”

          “Wolves,” I say.

          “Wolves, okay.” Dr. Kasmin turns and nods to a doctor. He leaves the room. “Come with me okay?” I know where we’re going, but I don’t think Josh does.

          “Where’s she going?” Josh asks.

          “Just to a separate room. Everything’s fine,” answers Dr. Kasmin. We leave, along with the other doctors. I’m walked down tons of hallways until we get to an area I don’t recognize. The doors are far apart and they look heavier than the ones like Danny’s, and they look more secure. “Hopefully it won’t be  a long visit,” Dr. Kasmin says. She stops in front of a door with the number 221 on it. She opens the door and lets me walk in first. The door shuts behind Dr. Kasmin and then she takes a plastic sheet off a bed, and then moves her hand over the thin covers to smoothen them.

          “I’ll be back in a few hours. You can try to relax.”

          Relax. Yeah, like I can relax in a tight white room with a most likely uncomfortable bed and hidden cameras around – paradise.

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