Chapter 34

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Chapter Thirty-Four

Two months of torture. Two months of wondering who this girl is and not realizing it’s me. I know myself better than anyone so why couldn’t I figure out who I was? Why was I screaming for help though?

          I remember when I was thirteen, like the girl, and I was screaming. It was in the middle of science, I think, and we were using chemicals for a lab. I started screaming from my crazy mind and I was screaming for help. I just kept screaming my head off. The teacher thought I had gotten chemicals on me or something, but it wasn’t that at all. I don’t remember exactly, but I was seeing something like… I don’t even know.

          Maybe this is why this girl – I – was screaming. Maybe I’m seeing myself from the past.

          Doctors rush in once I scream after see the girl looked like she was smacked and she disappeared, probably dead. “I’m going to have to ask you to leave, sir,” a doctor tells Josh. I hold onto him tighter, scared of the doctors.

          “I refuse,” Josh says. “All I want is for her to feel sane, and she doesn’t think she’s getting any less crazy, so I refuse to leave. She thinks – she knows you aren’t helpng her, so why should I believe otherwise if it’s obvious she’s worse? Why should I leave? Will me leaving make her sane?”

          “Sir, please leave. You’re not allowed to be here while we do what we need to do.”

          “And what’s that?”

          “We cannot –.”

          “I think I have some right to know what you’re going to do. She’s going to tell me anyway, might as well let me know.”

          “We’re going to calm her down, sir.”

          “Like I can’t do that? I’ve been doing that for the eight months before she came here. She was fine with me helping her. I calmed her down quickly.”

          “Sir, please leave. That’s all we’re asking you to do.”

          “And I’m asking for you to give me some privacy with her so I can calm her down.”

          The doctor who was talking says nothing, neither do the others. Eventually the doctor who was talking to Josh says, “We’re going to have to call security.” He gestures to someone else, and that person leaves the room. Josh holds  me in front of him, but the other doctors don’t take me away. Josh keeps his arms around me.

          Security guards come in no time at all, and try taking Josh out the room. “No!” I scream. “Please, just let him help! He can!” They start dragging Josh out the room, but I keep my hold on one of his hands. The doctor who was talking to Josh breaks our grasp and pulls me away from the door. Once, Josh is outside, the doctor lets me go.

          I find myself doing what I’ve been waiting for in the past two months: leave.

          I bolt out the room, and move in the direction Josh went in. I run as fast as I can past Josh, and down the hallways until I get somewhere familiar. I find my way to the waiting room, the front desk, and then run faster out of the doors. I make a sharp turn right, and run even faster. I look behind me and see one of the security guards. I run in the direction of the studio.

          Ten minutes of running later I get there, and barge through the doors. I pass Richard and Kelly, but don’t acknowledge them. I run up the stairs just as I see the guy who was following me come in. I try going faster up the stairs, knowing this guy probably knows how to run up stairs fast. Eventually I reach the floor I record. I pass Matt packing up his stuff and Stella walking to the elevator. I run into the recording booth room, slamming the door behind me and locking it. I lean against the door, and sit on the floor, catching my breath.

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