chapter 28

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Chapter Twenty-Eight

I shake my head and turn on the faucet to the bath. I get my grey undershirt and shorts, and a towel. I look at myself again in the mirror, and just try telling myself, or really convincing myself that I am beautiful. I take off my clothes and put my glasses on the sink. I step into the tub and relax.

          I think about the trip to the museum with Jenny today. I suddenly start thinking about Danny, and him moving. I over think it. I over think it again. I over think it too much; so much that I think he’s moving to mainly get away from me. I think he is though. I mean, he can’t get into a band that quickly can he? I wouldn’t know, but I’m pretty sure he can’t. And would he totally change his look just because he got into a band that has members like that? I swear I saw a peak of a tattoo on his arm. I don’t know. I just don’t. I can maybe ask him tomorrow.

          I hear a knock on the door, and suddenly realize I’m still in the tub. I jump out, quickly dry myself, and put on a robe. I speed walk to the door, and look through the peep hole. I see Danny again, and open the door. He grabs my hands and pulls me in to kiss me. I pull away and wipe my mouth immediately. “What was that?” I almost scream.

          “I just…” Danny trails off. “I’m not leaving tomorrow.”

          “You’re not moving?”

          “No, I’m moving, but just not tomorrow.”

          “When then?”

          “In like two hours.” I feel a lump in my throat. I shouldn’t care. I shouldn’t care if Danny is moving. We’re not close anymore. Why should I care?

          “Are you really leaving because of a band?” The question slips out of my mouth without my permission. I wish I didn’t ask.

          Danny doesn’t answer at first, but then says, “Yeah. Mainly. I mean there’s really nothing for me here, and I guess going somewhere new with more people to talk to will give me more things to do.” I can just tell he means that since he doesn’t have me anymore, he has nothing. I feel guilty, and I don’t know why because he made himself alone, not me. What about that girl he had before? I think her name was Naomi.

          “What about that girl Naomi?” I ask him. “Whatever happened to her?”

          “She turned out to just want… it.” I roll my eyes and hold in a laugh. I don’t know why I would want to laugh. “She kept up an act though. I thought it was kind of like you.” I immediately slap him, hard. I slam the door in his face and walk quickly to the bathroom. I get dressed and sit in my bed for about two hours. I cry on and off and get several texts from Danny. I don’t read any of them. I don’t want to read them because if I do I will be even more confused. I just know I will be more confused than I already am.

          I over think again. He meant he thought the whole craziness that is my brain and myself was fake. He thinks I was fake. He thought I kept up an act for two, maybe three years. I can’t believe him. I just can’t. Today has been on and off in a happiness factor. I don’t remember what I did this morning. Was I with Josh this morning? Time seems surreal today. Then again, everything is surreal in my head.

          I want Danny to be out of my life, forever. I don’t want another dream, day dream, nightmare, thought, or site of him. I don’t want to hear him talk, I don’t want to see his face in pictures or in person, I don’t want to find him gaining fame. I want his little “band” to fail. I want them to know he’s a horrible little person, and that he doesn’t deserve fame or fortune or any of that glory from being famous.

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