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1774, SEPTEMBER 24th SATURDAY 2:00pm.

The rain crashed onto the track field followed by a BANG. Not like thunder, but more like a firework. Then there was another, and another. A thin trail of smoke wavered above the muzzle of the pistol, before dissipating. The plastic-poster target, attached to the distant chain link fence, was covered in a cluster of holes. Under a massive canopy tent, Mary put the pistol and her earmuffs on a folding table.

"At least you're getting... Better?" Alice said.

Mary gave Alice a glare, then looked away.

"I'm still not as good as you, bruh."

"I'm not always perfect on my first shot."

"Dis gyal chatting bout shi nuh perfect. Wah a lying likkle minx."

Alice blinked.

"I've LITERALLY never seen you miss." Mary chuckled.

"Ahh... Well," Alice paused, "I do cheat a bit."

Mary snapped her head to Alice.

"What?! How." Mary placed her forehead under Alice's chin, "Tell me how to cheeeeat."

Alice laughed and pushed Mary's head away.

"Well... You know my," she paused, "Glitches."

"Oh. Yeah."

"Well... I can control them a tiny bit." Alice paused, "If I miss... I just hit rewind for a few seconds and try again."

"Daaaamn. That's pretty cool bruh."

"Not really... I would trade it in a heartbeat to never glitch again." Alice said, "The most control I ever had was three seconds... It was my best... At the very least, I can try as many times as I like."

"So to me, you shoot once. Buuuut to you."

"Sometimes it takes a dozen shots," Alice paused, "to get a bullseye."

"Wait a minute! The high-score in the arcade!"

Alice blinked, then grinned and stuck out her tongue.


Alice snorted as she laughed.

"Yeah whatever. I'm not really sure this is my thing." Mary said, "I appreciate you trying to find ways for me to protect myself... But besides this exam, I don't see myself doing enough physical activity to cause my disease to flare up."

"Just promise me... If you start to gasp for air," Alice hesitated, "That you'll put your health above the exam." 

"I promise Alice. I promise." Mary said.

Mary placed her hand on the table, and retracted quickly.


She looked down, and a recently ejected casing was residing there.

"Alice. Why is this bullet hot?"

"... The casing?"

"What's a casing?"

Mary felt her irritation rising as Alice visibly struggled to hold back a smile.

"ALICEEEE! What's a caaasing?!" Mary screeched.

Alice burst out with laughter.

"It's the part that holds the bullet."

"This isn't the whole bullet!"

"No, only the slug is."


Alice laughed harder.

Mary glared at Alice, then a vampiric grin emerged on Mary's face. Creating a force-field umbrella, cause the last thing she needed was her afro to get wet, she walked towards the target. A moment later, Mary came running back with the poster.

"HEY ALICE, look at how good my shooting is!"

As Mary approached, with the hole ridden paper, she saw Alice grow pale. Soon, Alice was running away from Mary and the plastic.

"MARY! STOP! I'm sorry! Stop stop stop stop stop stop!"

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"MARY! STOP! I'm sorry! Stop stop stop stop stop stop!"

Alice laughed nervously as Mary chased her. They ran about before Mary felt a tightness in her chest. She had to stop, her grip on the poster becoming so weak she dropped it. Mary started wheezing as she gripped the piece of shirt over her heart.

"Mary? MARY!"

Alice rushed over to her side.

"Hey. Alice." Mary whispered, "Could you. Please. Grab my medicine."

Alice RAN towards the pumpkin bag; taking an extra heartbeat to avoid the hole ridden poster on the ground. She brought it to Mary, who sat up slowly.

"Thank you."

Mary used Create and made a chair, then sat on it.

"I'll -gasp- use my medicine once I catch my breath." She said, "Sorry to use your trypophobia against you."

"It's ok..." Alice said.

Alice created a chair and sat down next to Mary. After a few minutes, Mary went about the process of using her medicine. After she finished the process and took off her gloves, she stood back up.

"It's... Getting more purple."

"I'm fine." Mary said.

"But your blood."

"It's still red."

Alice stayed silent as the rain began to fall down harder.

Mary walked over to the casing that burnt her hand earlier and picked it up.

"What're you doing?" Alice asked.

"I want to keep this casing."

Mary created a small chain and needle, then she made a tiny hole in the casing and lead the chain through it. She then attached the chain together around her neck.

"See, it's now a necklace." She said, "Now it can be close to my heart at all times, to remind me of this moment."

Mary saw Alice's eyes widened for a bit, and then, her smile. Her breath-giving smile. Mary smiled back at her, picked up Alice's Grim gun, and they left the track field together.

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