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Law : Do you understand what you're doing, Mugiwara-ya....?!

Law : Our plan was to leave Doflamingo alive and force him into conflict Kaido. If you defeat Doflamingo now... Kaido's fury at loosing his Smile supply... will be directed at us instead!!

Law : We'll be the ones forced into conflict with a furious Yonko!!

Luffy : We can think about that stuff later! Take a good look at this country!!

Law : Huh?!

(Y/N) : In short, we don't have any other choice.

Luffy grabs Zoro.

Zoro : What's our route then?

Luffy : Straight ahead!!

Viola : You're not going to jump down, are you?!

(Y/N) and Luffy jump down.

Luffy : You just wait!!! Doflamingo!!!

Beneath them were standing Donquixote Family members.

Machvise looks up.

Machvise : A balloon and a bird is falling towards us, oiiiiing!!

Machvise : A balloon and a bird is falling towards us, oiiiiing!!

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Senõr Pink : A bird...? And a balloon?

(Y/N) and Luffy land down

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(Y/N) and Luffy land down.

Machvise : LAW!!!

Senõr Pink : You've got some guts showing your face here, brat!!

Dellinger : Big bro Law?!!

Dellinger : Big bro Law?!!

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