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(Y/N) : Hm? Where's Franky?

Law : I switched him back in his body after that he went to check on your ship

(Y/N) : Oh...

All the other Straw hats, leaving Franky, were now inside the facility.

The marines have sealed the shutter that was sliced by Zoro and Kin'emon.

(Y/N) : Yo! Usopp!! Nami!! What's with those injuries!?

Usopp : The kids did this accidentally.

(Y/N) : I see.

Law quickly tells everyone about the place and how to escape it.

Luffy : (Y/N), go with Zoro and the others.

(Y/N) : Aye aye, cap'n.

He goes down to Zoro and the others.

Zoro : You sure that you shouldn't have left him alone.

(Y/N) : He's fine. You're the one who should not be left alone.

Zoro : What does that mean!?

Usopp : Oi, (Y/N). That master said that he defeated you and Luffy.

(Y/N) : Ah... That...

Zoro : Seriously!!? That guy defeated you and Luffy!!?

(Y/N) : Ah... Don't worry we just let our gaurd down.

Zoro : It's no good saying that!!!

(Y/N) : Calm-

Zoro : This is no joking matter!!! OI, LUFFY!!!

Luffy looks at him.


Luffy : You're right!!! Sorry, I won't let my guard down again!!!

Zoro : And the same goes for you too!!!

(Y/N) : Aye Aye, Vice Captain Marimo-kun!!

Up above them Luffy was using Gomu Gomu No Ufo.

Zoro and (Y/N) slice two more gaurds.

Zoro : He could try being more serious...

Usopp : Ahahahah!!

(Y/N) : Well, he heard you so don't worry.

Time skip brought to you by monster trio and (Y/N), who were now in there chemistry class with Mr. Ceaser. They all were alseep tho. Excluding Sanji, who was simping.


Zoro, Brook & Kin'emon : OUT OF THE WAY!!!

They yell while slicing the gaurds. Meanwhile, (Y/N) and the others were chilling on Brownbeard's back.

Nami : Ow ow ow...

(Y/N) : Deal with it.

Nami : It hurts...

(Y/N) : You should've just leave the kids. Look at those wounds!!

Nami : I'm sorry...

(Y/N) was bandaging her wounds.

Sanji : Oi, (Y/N)!!! You're hurting her!! Why don't you use your healing instead of bandaging!!?

(Y/N) : I have to save my energy. Nobody knows what might come ahead.

Usopp : We sure can count on those three musketeers!!

He was already patched up.

(Y/N) : Sorry, Brownie. But could you carry us a bit further?

Brownbeard : Ha... Ha.... Yeah worry not. By the way, you shouldn't have brought that dragon with you. It's dangerous..!!

Nami : It's dangerous!? But it's making such a cute face...

(Y/N) : I'll slice it myself if it tries something funny.

Suddenly, all the doors start to close.

Marine 1 : Ceaser is trying to trap us!!! Run!!!

Tashigi : Everyone!! Head to the gates!!! This is no time to fight!!

Marine 2 : Move it, G5!!!

They all start to head toward the gates.

Suddenly, a blast creates a hole in the wall.

(Y/N) : ROCK ASH!!!

He seals the hole.

(Y/N) : That'll keep it out.

Marine 1 : Oh!!! Red eye saved us!!!

Marine 2 : You're amazing!!!

(Y/N) : Just hurry and get out of this place!!!

They all nod and quickly evacuate the room.

Sanji : Oi!!! (Y/N)!! Everyone evacuated!!

(Y/N) throws a dagger out of the room and teleports.

As soon as he teleports, the gates close.

Time skip brought to you by a new student entering the Grand Line High.

The Straw hats and Brownbeard were now ahead of the G5 marines.

However, Sanji went somewhere.

Usopp : He got a look on his way and jumped away.

Zoro : That's because an unfamiliar presence appeared behind us.

(Y/N) : Heads up, guys.

Everyone look up, the same dragon from before was flying above them.

Brownbeard : The sedative must have worn off!!

(Y/N) : That means it'll try something funny...

He stands up and summons his scythe.

Kin'emon : (Y/N)-dono! Please let me slay that thing.

Brook : Me too, (Y/N)-san!! Back there he was trying to bite me, but...


(Y/N) : That's unforgivable!!! Let's slay him together!

Brook : Yes!!

Kin'emon : Sure thing!

All three of them jump in the air.

The dragon shoots a fireball towards them.

Kin'emon : Please follow me, you guys!

He cuts the fire.

Brook : Fabulous.

He and (Y/N) jump up along with Kin'emon.


Kin'emon : KARYUU ISSEN!!!


Usopp : I feel pitiful for the dragon...

The dragon falls down.

(Y/N) : Yosh!! I slayed a dragon!!

Brook : Please say "Bones are delicious"!!!

He says while kicking the fallen dragon with Kin'emon.

Kin'emon : What a provokeful thing!!!

(Y/N) : Hmm. You seem to to have personal vandetta against it.

Kin'emon : Personal vandetta...? That's about right!!

(A/N) : Zzzz...

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