That song (End of Thriller Bark)

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Pirate 1 : I've never had deliciously cooked food like this before!!

Pirate 2 : To be frank we haven't eaten anything like this in years~~!!

Pirate 1 : I'm glad we're alive!!

Sanji : I made a lot!! Don't leave any left overs!!

Everyone was having fun. Franky and Brook were dancing and singing on the table.

Chopper :*sweatdrops* They haven't even toasted yet and it's already became a party.

He, (Y/N) and Nami were sitting around Zoro. (Y/N) was healing Zoro.

(Y/N) : I told you don't have to feed me.

Nami : J-just eat it already!!

Nami : You can't eat with injured hands.

(Y/N) sighs. He opens his mouth to eat.

(Y/N) : It's good Sanji isn't seeing this...

Luffy : Oi, Chopper!! This is Zoro's share!! Shishishshi!!

He brings a barrell.

Chopper : Luffy.

Luffy : Now drink!!

(Y/N) : He can't drink, Luffy.

He says swallowing his food.

Suddenly, they all hear a piano playing.

(Y/N) : This song is nostalgic...

He remembers how Shanks and his crew used to sing it in the bar.

Everyone start singing and dancing.

Luffy and Brook were talking.

Suddenly, Brook stops playing and start crying.

Brook : I see... so you're doing well!! Laboon!!

Brook : I've never been this happy...!!

Franky :Oi, what's wrong? Play more, Brook!!

Chopper : Yeah!! I'm dancing with chopsticks in my nose!!!

Brook : Yohohoho. Please wait a minute.

He opens his skull.

Sanji & Chopper : Huuuuuh!? You can do something like that!?

He takes out a tone dial.

He plays it.

Lola : Huh? If that's the song you're playing we can all sing along!!

Pirates : Yeah!!

Song along, nakama!!

Yo-hohoho, Yo-hoho-ho,
Yo-hohoho, Yo-hoho-ho,
Yo-hohoho, Yo-hoho-ho,
Yo-hohoho, Yo-hoho-ho,
Gather up all of the crew!
It's time to ship out Bink's brew!
Sea wind blows. To where?
Who knows?
The waves will be our guide!
O'er across the ocean's tide,
Rays of sunshine far and wide,
Birds they sing of cheerful things, in circles passing by!

Bid farewell to weaver's town!
Say so long to port renowned!
Sing a song, it won't be long, before we're casting off!
Cross the gold and silver seas
The salty spray puts us at ease!
Day and night to our delight,
The voyage never ends!
Gather up all of the crew!
It's time to ship out Bink's brew!
Pirates we, eternally are challenging the sea!
With the waves to rest our heads,
ship beneath us as our beds!
Hoisted high upon the mast our Jolly Roger flies!
Somewhere in the endless sky,
Stormy winds are blowin' by!
Waves are dancing, evening comes,
It's time to sound the drums!
But steady men may never fear!
Tomorrow's skies are always clear!
So pound your feet and clap your hands till sunny days return!

Yo-hohoho, Yo-hoho-ho,
Yo-hohoho, Yo-hoho-ho,
Yo-hohoho, Yo-hoho-ho,
Yo-hohoho, Yo-hoho-ho,
Gather up all of the crew!
It's time to ship out Bink's brew!
Wave good-bye, but don't you cry
Our memories remain.
Our days are but a passing dream, everlasting though they seem
'neath the moon we'll meet again, the wind's our lullaby!
Gather up all of the crew!
It's time to ship out Bink's brew!
Sing a song and play along
For all the ocean's wide!
After all is said and done,
you'll end up a skeleton!
So spread your tale, from dawn till dusk, upon these boney seas!
Yo-hohoho, Yo-hoho-ho,
Yo-hohoho, Yo-hoho-ho,
Yo-hohoho, Yo-hoho-ho,
Yo-hohoho, Yo-hoho-ho.

After the song, (Y/N) had some tears in his eyes as he see the souls of Brook's dead nakama smiling around him.

Brook : Ah, is it alright that I become your nakama?

Luffy : Yeah, that would be great!!


(Y/N) : Hehehe, This is going to be fun.

Two days time skip.

Luffy : Yosh!! Zoro's already up!! Let's go to our next adventure!!

Usopp and Chopper : Yeaaaah!!

Straw hats were back at the Sunny.

Pirate 1 : It's so hard to part ways from you guys. Let's party for another two or three days.

(Y/N) : Don't dare say that again. I carried you guys after party to the ship.

Luffy :  We can't!!  Next up is Fishmen Island!! I'm looking forward to it!!

Sanji : Oh, the beautiful mermaids!! I want to play with them!!!

Brook : I wonder if we'll able to see mermaid panties...

Pirate 2 : Oi, Oi!! Don't be stupid!!

Pirate 2 : Mermaids... Don't wear any panties!

This causes both of them nosebleeds. Even though one of them don't have nose.

(Y/N) : We've to stop somewhere before that.

Luffy, Sanji & Brook : EEHH!?

(Y/N) : Yes.

Lola and Nami were bidding farewell. Lola gives Nami her mom's Vivre card.

Lola was telling her about Vivre card.

Lola : No matter where you are in the world, the card will pull toward its partner. In other words, I always know in which direction my mama is.

Chopper : Wow! That's amazing!! Are there a lot of those in the new world!?

Luffy : I might've one of those..

(Y/N) : Vivre card? Yeah, I have one too.

Nami : Yeah, I was just thinking about it. That white paper you got from Ace was the same right?

(Y/N) : So he gave one to you too?

He says taking out his Vivre card from his hoodie pocket.

He sees the Vivre card. His eyes widen.

(Y/N) : N-no...

Luffy takes out his Vivre card from his Straw hat.

Luffy : Here it is.

He observe the card too.

Luffy : What? It's burnt and getting smaller.

Lola : Wait! Let me see that!!

Lola : This is definitely a Vivre card. I haven't told you yet but this, paper displays the life of the holder!! Is this person important to you?

Luffy : Yeah, he's our older brother.

Lola : I'm sorry to say this, but...

Lola : This person's life is already fading!!

(A/N) : You thought it was the author, but IT WAS ME DIO!!

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