The Promise

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1 year and 4 months later

A pirate ship was sailing on the Grand line. The pirates were having a party.

Pirate 1 : After the shipping we'll get millions of belis.

Pirate : Let's have a toast to our success.

All : Kanpai!!

This was until one of them saw someone sitting on the brow of the ship.

This was until one of them saw someone sitting on the brow of the ship

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Pirate : Oi who are you?!

The dark figure didn't said anything it was just sitting there. The pirate pulled out a gun

Pirate : Oi I'm taking to you!! You hear me!?

Pirate was going to pull the trigger until he a scythe right it front of his eyes.

(Y/N) : You guys are transporting illegal weapons right?

Pirate : W-what are you talking about?

(Y/N) didn't said anything he just thrusted the sword into the pirate's eye making him scream in pain.

Pirate : ARGHHHH

This caught the attention of his crew mates. They saw the dead body of there friend and then saw (Y/N) with glowing red eyes, dragging his scythe which was dripping in blood.

Pirate 2 : Captain, he is wearing a hood and has a scythe...

The pirate informs the captain of the ship.

Pirate 2 : He also has red eyes!!

Captain : Don't tell me that's...

Before the Captain an finish his sentence he hears a scream. (Y/N) swings his scythe as sharp pieces of ash cuts several of the pirates.

 (Y/N) swings his scythe as sharp pieces of ash cuts several of the pirates

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Captain : I was right... You're RED EYED (Y/N), aren't you?!

(Y/N) : Indeed..

Without wasting any more time the captain rushes towards (Y/N) with his sword. He starts attacking him with his sword but (Y/N) was deflecting all the attacks.

New Nakama (One Piece X Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now