God Vs Demon

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Doflamingo : Berserk? Fufufu...What's with that dragon? Are you trying to be intimidating?

He looks ahead, (Y/N) wasn't there.

(Y/N) : Intimidating? That's about right.

(Y/N) : Intimidating? That's about right

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He puches Doflamingo across his face.

Doflamingo wipes of the blood.

(Y/N) : You sure I'm the one trying to be funny? Pfft! You look pretty pathetic yourself!!

Doflamingo : He's fast...

(Y/N) : You really think I'll give any time to think?!

He was beside him ready to kick.

He kicks Doflamingo again.

Doflamingo touches the ground and it turn into thread.

(Y/N) : Awakening? Not bad.

Doflamingo creates several strings all pointing towards (Y/N).

(Y/N): But that won't work!! You dumbass.

Some threads from the ground grab (Y/N).

Doflamingo : OFF-WHITE!!!

(Y/N) : Pfft!! NICE TRY!!! SHIT-HEAD!!!

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(Y/N) : Pfft!! NICE TRY!!! SHIT-HEAD!!!


(Y/N) creates wepons around him all pointing at Doflamingo.

(Y/N)'s weapons and Doflamingo's strings clash. Meanwhile, the flames around (Y/N) melts the threads.

(Y/N) summons a dagger and throws it towards Doflamingo.

Doflamingo : Brats shouldn't play with sharp things.

He catches it.

(Y/N) : What an idiot!!

He teleports near him an kicks him up in the air.


He throws a dagger up and teleports Doflamingo in the air.

Doflamingo : He's not using his wings to fly...

Doflamingo : You've got some guts to challenge me in a mid air battle!!!

(Y/N) : You're kidding me, right?

(Y/N) says kicking him far away.

Citizens were looking at them.

Citizen 1 : Look! Doflamingo... Is fighting.... A dragon?

Rebecca : (Y/N)....


Doflamingo : I don't like you standing above me, Reaper...

(Y/N) : Ha... Haa...

Doflamingo : And how many seconds can you last...with that little stamina you've left!?

(Y/N) : You still think you have a chance? You're pretty annoying, you know that!?

His leg covers with haki and more flames.

(Y/N) : Each person in this country is trying his best to stop this stupid game of yours.

Doflamingo : I'd like to see you try and stop me, boy...

Doflamingo : SPIDER WEB!!!

He creates a giant web to block the attack.

(Y/N) launches up.

(Y/N) : I said that it won't work!!!

He goes for to kick Doflamingo.


Doflamingo : GOD THREAD!!!

All the strings launch towards (Y/N).

(Y/N) takes out his last dagger and throws it down, the dagger passes through the web.

(Y/N) : Switch!

He teleports right in front of Doflamingo's face.


Doflamingo crashes down in the underground trading port, unconscious.

Civilian 1 : Did.... Did he won?

Civilian 2 : TELL US, GYATS!!!

Gyatz : Look at the sky, Dressrosa!!

All the citizens look up. The birdcage started to disappear.

Gyatz : It's not just the bird cage... It's the end of the Doflamingo's rule....

Gyatz : The battle of Dressrosa... a fight between (Y/N) and gladiator Lucy Vs Doflamingo of the royal Shichibukai...

Gyatz starts to weep.

Gyatz : And da wimmer.... wa wimmer....



Citizens : THEY DID IT!!!!!

(Y/N) lifts up his hand as the whole country cheers for him Luffy.

Citizens : LUCY!! (Y/N)!! LUCY!! (Y/N)!!

(Y/N) : I love you too, random citizen!!

Sabo : ATTA BOYYY!!!

But suddenly, flames around (Y/N) extinguish and he starts to fall down.

Sabo : Oh, no!!

But he disapper in mid air.

Law : Shambles.

(Y/N) falls on the roof of the building. Law, Rebecca, Viola and Luffy were there too.

(Y/N) : Yo... Traffy...

Law looks at him.

(Y/N) : How's Luffy....?

Law : He's asleep.

(Y/N) : So... He's okay... That's good... And your arm?

Law : It's fine.

(Y/N) : Glad to hear that...

(Y/N) also closes his eyes.

(A/N) : Dressrosa is finally ending.

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